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壶穴使车轴上的一只螺钉破碎。The pothole fractured a bolt on the axle.

大凹坑你就不能开慢点吗?。Major pothole drive a little safer would you?

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地上的大坑对车辆是个安全隐患。That large pothole is a hazard to cars and bicycles.

挡住你的眼睛,看上去像刚刚从漆黑的黑夜中走出来去正要修补一个凹洞。Shield your eyes, who seem to emerge out of the black night as if running to mend a pothole.

不过近期股市涨势仍存在着将于不久后面临障碍的隐忧.Still, there are concerns that the stock market's recent run higher could soon hit a pothole.

挡住你的眼睛,看上去像刚刚从漆黑的黑夜中走出来去正要修补一个凹洞。A Shield your eyes, who seem to emerge out of the black night as if running to mend a pothole.

回家的路上,巴士驶过一个坑洞,颠簸了一下,原本在睡觉的胡沙尔猛地惊醒过来。When our bus hit a pothole on the way back my brother Khushal, who had been asleep, jerked awake.

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我的注意力先是从地上的坑洞转向前方刹住的车辆,又转向了危地马拉面包店靠马路的橱窗。My attention darted from pothole below to braking cars ahead to Guatemalan bakery windows to the side.

而当我们将一杯水倒在地上凹下去的地方时,那一摊水就只能让一根小草、一片树叶浮起而已。A cup of water poured into a rut or a pothole on the ground only can float a small piece of grass or a leaf.

路面坑槽破损是公众感受最深的问题,许多人质疑施工方“偷工减料”。Pavement pothole distresses is the public felt most problems, many questioned the construction side" jerry".

当你碰到了一个坑的时候,汽车仍然弹起,但是你有没有坐过不带减震器的汽车。When you hit a pothole the car still bounces, but have you ever been in one that didn't have a shock absorber?

今天我发现我开车开得真棒,压到了一个坑就弄瘪了两个轮胎。FML。Today, I found out that I have enough driving skills to manage to hit a pothole and have two of my tires go flat. FML.

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午休的时段可以抓取某个需要修补的壶孔的照片并传给合适的专家。During your lunch break you could snap a picture of a pothole that needs patching and zap it to the proper authorities.

他说,暂停解除包能解除我的车,以便它能够不接触地面时,驾驶超过坑洞。He said that suspension lift kits are able to lift my car so that it can not touch the ground when driving over a pothole.

当时有些纳闷,她们怎么会开着一辆小汽车在暴风雪里行驶,这样的小汽车随时会被城市里某一个中等尺寸的雪窝掩埋。I wondered what had possessed them to drive out into the storm in a car that could disappear in a mid-sized New York pothole.

冷补沥青混合料不需加热,适应能力强,是一种方便可行的坑槽修补材料。The traditional pothole repair method mostly adopts heat asphalt mixture, which needs higher temperature and complicated techniques.

冷补沥青混合料不需加热,适应能力强,是一种方便可行的坑槽修补材料。Cold repair asphalt mixture doesnt need heating, and has strong adaptability to the surroundings, which is a convenient and feasible pothole distressesmaterial.

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裂缝和坑槽是沥青路面的两类主要损坏方式,裂缝填封和坑槽修补是公路养护部门最常见也是难度较大的两项日常养护工作。Cracks and potholes are the two key diseases in asphalt roads. Crack filling and pothole repair are the two most commonly seen and difficulty work for the department of the maintenance.