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不要再叫我塞巴斯蒂安·海弗了,好吗?。I don't go by Sebastian Haff anymore, okay?

我的名字是赛巴斯提安,曾做过一份关于您的报告。My name is Sebastian and I did a report on you.

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首先,做塞巴斯蒂安·瓦特尔作为版本很有趣。First of all, doing the Sebastian Vettel Version was fun.

巴顿、维特尔也将同场竞技。Jenson Button and Sebastian Vettel will also attend the event.

这本书是两位朋友若伊和西巴斯辰的故事。This book is the story of two friends named Zoe and Sebastian.

完成星期四线路的是红牛二队的巴斯蒂安-维特尔。Completing Tuesday's line-up was Sebastian Vettel for Toro Rosso.

很多球迷立刻就想到塞巴斯蒂安·代斯勒。Thoughts of Sebastian Deisler were quick to enter many fans mind.

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我想问一下您我能给塞巴斯蒂安小主人一片面包吃吗?I was wondering if I might make Master Sebastian a piece of toast.

维特尔,和我们说说和库比卡之间的事故。Q. Sebastian Vettel, tell us about the incident with Robert Kubica.

轮到我陪赛巴斯蒂安玩的时候,我才骤然领悟到这句话的精辟之处。I suddenly understood that when it was my turn to entertain Sebastian.

维泰尔的整个家庭是赛道上的西班牙大奖赛。Sebastian Vettel's entire family is trackside at the Spanish grand prix.

约翰•赛巴斯蒂安•巴赫家族中,至少有52位音乐家。There were at least fifty-two musicians in the family of Johann Sebastian Bach.

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蒂姆在GP2系列赛中汲取经验,塞巴斯蒂安在雷诺方程式中积累经验。Timo does so in the GP2 Series, and Sebastian contests the Renault World Series.

他和塞巴斯蒂安.荣格尔在阿富汗的Korengal山谷一起待了很长时间.He and Sebastian Junger spent a lot of time in the Korengal Valley in Afghanistan.

圣塞瓦斯蒂安在西班牙的东北岸,是个让渡假旅客美梦成真的地方。San Sebastian on the northeast coast of Spain is a holidaymaker's dream come true.

他把她脱光了绑在木桩上,把她射得像圣色巴斯*那样满身乱箭。He would tie her naked to a stake and shoot her full of arrows like Saint Sebastian.

我毫不犹豫的定好了我和塞巴斯蒂安去宾夕法尼亚斯克兰顿的机票。I booked plane tickets to my hometown, Scranton, Pennsylvania, for Sebastian and me.

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帕拉西奥将会回归,阿瓦诺冈萨雷斯会取代巴塔格里亚。Palacio will be back and Alvaro González will replace sidelined Sebastián Battaglia.

陈颂铭先生毕业于剑桥大学,获工程硕士学位。Sebastian graduated from the University of Cambridge with a MA degree in Engineering.

“塞巴斯蒂安·布拉尔大队”成员还烧毁了西门子公司货运车以及高铁。"Sebastian Cabral brigade" members also burned vehicles and Siemens high-speed rail freight.