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地雷,你,还想扭胯麽?Landmine ? Want to do the hip twist ?

起初,工人以为这个铜罐子是一个地雷。Initially workers thought the copper vessel was a landmine.

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这无疑为杨致远的复兴埋伏下无数的地雷。This is Yang Zhiyuan undoubtedly revive ambuscade below countless landmine.

而且每清除一颗30美元的地雷,需要花费300到1000美元。In addition, it will cost 300 to 1000 dollars to eliminate a 30-dollar landmine.

虽然游客们深受吸引,柬埔寨政府却不喜欢阿基·拉的地雷博物馆。Tourists are fascinated, but the government doesn't like Aki Ra's landmine museum.

这个假肢似乎代表了那个地雷在伊拉克北部爆炸时我所失去的一切。It seemed to symbolise everything I lost when that landmine exploded in Northern Iraq.

布兹克在美国攻打伊拉克的时候,因为地雷爆炸丧失了他的两条腿。C. October 19, 2005. Bozik lost two legs and one arm from a landmine explosion in Iraq.

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透过灾害风险管理系统及清除地雷,保障人们的安全reduction in risks to people through disaster risk management systems and landmine clearance

另一位留着一小束山羊胡子的长者Shirjan说,“前天晚上,塔利班埋下一颗地雷,那地方是孩子们玩耍的地方。The night before yesterday, the Taliban laid a landmine and there were children playing around it.

仅仅由于你没有踩到地雷上并不意味着没有地雷。Just because you haven't stepped on a landmine yet doesn't mean the field isn't littered with them.

朝鲜周五表示,该国和导致韩国士兵受伤的地雷爆炸事件无关。North Korea said Friday it was not involved in landmine explosions that wounded South Korean soldiers.

四名埃塞俄比亚籍联合国为何人员在苏丹争议地区阿比耶被地雷炸死。Four Ethiopian UN peacekeeping troops have been killed by a landmine in Sudan's disputed region of Abyei.

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2005年6月24日,一只非洲老鼠在莫桑比克的希莫尤发现一颗地雷。Picture taken 24 June 2005 shows, one of the nine African rats, sniffing out a landmine in Chimoio, Mozambique.

与曾经的地雷禁令一样,美、俄、中三国均拒绝废除集束武器的合法性。As with the landmine ban, America stands with Russia and China in opposing the move to outlaw cluster munitions.

我所推出的“赛尔”系列地雷西瓜品种,也远销到了江苏,成为地雷西瓜中的娇娇者。"I have mine watermelon variety cernet" series, also exported to jiangsu, become the landmine watermelon waited.

另外,在国内还很少见到有关声学方法探雷的有关报道。As far as we know, there are few reports published about landmine detection by means of acoustic methods in China.

不出意料,果然被敌方预设的各类地雷杀伤我军大量人员,目测至少一个班就交待在小河里。Not surprisingly, it is the enemy of our army landmine preset a large number of personnel, at least one class is assigned by the river.

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陆军少校彼特戈德弗兰戴着一个臂章,臂章上印着一位2004年在伊拉克牺牲的年轻警官的名字。Army Major Peter Godfrin wears a bracelet bearing the name of a young sergeant he served with who was killed by a landmine in Iraq in 2004.

狗娃拿到探测仪回去细心研究,等李冬青和三郎再次上山的时候,把地雷放在探测仪上,用计把三郎炸伤。Gowardesh get detectors to study carefully, when dong-qing li and saburo climbed the hill again, put the landmine detector, the maneuver saburo wounded.

即使是今天,只有一面面的小旗以及被喷涂的树干是唯一标示在一个特定地区行走是安全的,不必担心会踩上地雷。Even today, small flags and spray-painted tree trunks are the only indications that it's safe to walk in a given area without fear of stepping on a landmine.