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那个政治叛逃者被一大使馆接纳避难。The political defector was refuged in an embassy.

在询问过程中叛变者供出了两名双重间谍。While being debriefed the defector named two double agents.

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然而一个背叛者却指控绍特是俄国间谍,绍特的忠诚度开始经受巨大的考验。Her loyalty will be tested when a defector accuses her of being a Russian spy.

阿诺计划用一名假装叛逃的遇战疯人击败绝地,但最终还是没有成功。Anor hatched a scheme to use a defector to defeat the Jedi, but this eventually failed.

现居韩国首都首尔的脱北者朴哲焕如是说。So says Park Cheol-hwan, a North Korean defector now living in Seoul, the South Korean capital.

政治和经济方面的专家向这名叛逃者盘问有关他所在国的各种情况。The political and economic experts debriefed the defector about conditions in his home country.

王平渡汉水来投赵云,云引见玄德。Then Wang Ping crossed the river and submitted to Zhao Zilong, who took the defector to Xuande.

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但是,斯坦顿认真地研究了叛逃者对它的描述,并仔细搜索了地图上的类似建筑。But Mr. Stanton had pored over defector sketches of it and combed the map for familiar structures.

即是一手策划灾难性,Alcibiades,was,the,man,who,engineered,西西里岛远征的背后推手,最终,他成了一位叛逃者,改而效忠斯巴达。Alcibiades the disastrous Sicilian expedition and later ended his life as a defector going to Sparta.

北韩否认韩国提出的指称,说北韩派遣间谍谋杀一名高度引人关注的叛逃者。North Korea is denying allegations by South Korea that it dispatched spies to kill a high-profile defector.

已经叛教的前海洋机构成员詹尼斯·格雷迪告诉我,“驶过希腊群岛时,我正和他一起在船桥上。The defector Janis Grady, a former Sea Org member, told me, “I was on the bridge with him, sailing past Greek islands.

根据碎片,该机可能是一架米格21战斗机,由此猜测飞行员是来自朝鲜的叛逃者。The crash of what appeared to be a MIG-21 fighter jet spurred speculation that its pilot was a defector from North Korea.

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今天,最后一位仍在北朝鲜生活的变节美军——詹姆卓斯诺克现身说法,第一次和世人分享他在彼邦四十五年来的生活。Now, after 45 years, the story of James Dresnok, the last American defector in North Korea, is being told for the first time.

某NGO根据其在20名叛逃的青少年中作的调查报道说其中5名在1998年到2003年被监禁的时候遭受过酷刑。One NGO reported in a survey of 20 defector youth that five reported experiencing torture while incarcerated between 1998 and 2003.

一叛逃者证实他亲眼目睹他的母亲和兄长因试图越狱被处以枪决。One defector testified that while in a camp, he had witnessed his mother and elder brother publicly executed for attempting to escape.

叛逃者Kim说,2006年第一次核试验“像是一场盛大的庆典”,当时他还呆在朝鲜。The North's only prior nuclear test in 2006 "felt like a grand celebration," said Kim, another defector who was in the state at that time.

但是,以色列摩萨德的叛逃者后来声称,美国被一个虚假的国旗行动欺骗了,相信利比亚在背后操纵了这次袭击。But a defector from Israel’s Mossad later claimed the US had been duped by a false flag operation into believing Libya was behind the attack.

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这名14岁的朝鲜人,被安置在一个学生年龄均比他小一两岁的学校里,但大多数同学的个头仍然比他高一头。Even though the 14-year-old defector was placed in a school with children a year or two younger than he, most of his classmates were a head taller.

4月21日韩国声称已经逮捕了两名北朝鲜特务,并称他们是被派来暗杀一位叛逃至韩国的原北朝鲜要员的。On April 21st South Korea said it had arrested two northern agents who, it claimed, had been sent to assassinate a prominent defector to the south.

朝鲜女青年对CNN说不要放上她的照片并且隐去她的名字,她担心朝鲜政府会刁难她在朝鲜的亲人。The North Korean defector said CNN could not air her picture or reveal her name, fearing that Pyongyang would punish her remaining family in the North.