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去鱼皮、鱼骨,再把鱼肉片成薄片。Skin, bone and flake the fish.

油漆开始成薄片状剥落。The paint's beginning to flake off.

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参议员杰夫·弗莱克假期度得非常霸气。Senator Jeff Flake vacations like a boss.

我们在夜晚时,我们的白天会睡着。When we are in the night, our days flake out.

萌牙的树,秋天落叶,一两片的雪花。Butting trees, autumn leaves, a snow flake or two.

在海鱼上撒切断的茴香菜绿菜丝。做为香料。Sprinkle some chopped fennel leaves on flake fillet.

片状结构是一种典型的非高斯敝斑现象。Flake structure is a typical non-Gaussian phenomenon.

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在计划你和情人或新的约会对象的安排时,不要玩得太过了。Don’t flake out on plans with your sweetie or a new date.

一片一片地积,万丈雪层深似山。One flake and then another , and the deepest snow is laid.

现场调查结果显示,各站点锚链均受到不同程度的腐蚀,锈层呈黄褐色,站点2和站点3的锈层易剥落。The tan rust layer was easy to flake off at site 2 and site 3.

一个完全的英式风格切片配合有利健康的塞浦路斯拉他吉亚。A full English style flake with a healthy dose of Cyprian Latakia.

这种空隙很可能是白点断口的一种断裂源。The unhealed porosities might be a possible source of flake formation.

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客户们担心你的信誉,害怕你会突然撒手不管。Customers will worry you're going to flake out and leave them stranded.

该作法可解决薄片石材应用高度限制的问题。This method can resolve the applied height limitation of the stone flake.

天花板上的一小片熟石膏掉到他眼里,致使他的眼睛感染了。A flake of plaster from the ceiling fell into his eye, which became septic.

研究了南瓜玉米粉固体饮料的制备工艺、配方。We studied the application of pumpkin corn flour to the flake solid beverage.

树皮褐色,片状剥落小枝四棱,花簇生于小枝顶端。Bark brown, flake off Schnabelia branchlet, sprig flower clustered on the top.

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但是,他们在不同的收缩率,从而使黑色铜氧化物片赶走。But they shrink at different rates, which makes the black cupric oxide flake off.

但他们在不同的收缩率,这使得黑铜氧化物片状小康。But they shrink at different rates, which makes the black cupric oxide flake off.

于后踝顶针下表面贴应变片,并与应变仪导线连接。Stick straining flake on very nether surface of half needle of posterior malleolus.