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大家说他是个百万富翁。He was reputed to be a millionaire.

这口泉号称从不干涸。The fountain is reputed never to dry up.

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美国被认为一个没有阶级的社会。The USA is reputed to be a classless society.

这支足球队曾被誉为无敌的劲旅。This football team was once reputed to be invincible.

罗杰斯是一个非常具有天赋的临床医师。Rogers is reputed to have been a very gifted clinician.

估价报告应当由知名的估价师出具。Valuation report should be obtained from a reputed valuer.

尼斯湖怪兽以栖息于深水中而闻名。The Loch Ness Monster is reputed to inhabit its deep waters.

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这里的整个区域都被享誉为巨大的天然空气调节器。The whole area is reputed to be a "huge natural air-conditioner.

保山在很长时间曾被称为“滇西粮仓”。Baoshan has long been reputed as the "Grand Barn in West Yunnan".

我们为何算为畜生,在你眼中看作污秽呢。Wherefore are we counted as beasts, and reputed vile in your sight?

保山被誉为最适宜人类居住的地区。Baoshan is reputed as a most comfortable place for human habitation.

但公认的前中情局驻米兰负责人则被判处8年徒刑。But the reputed former CIA head in Milan got an eight-year sentence.

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那你不否认去了拉斯维加斯见这个臭名昭著的匪徒?So you don't deny going to Las Vegas to meet with a reputed mobster.

我已经研究这些神秘生物和其他广为人知的超自然现象40年了。I have been studying these and other reputed paranormalities for 40 years.

这一份是由奥斯卡辛德勒本人制作的、著名的七份中的一份。This is one out of a reputed list of seven made by in total Oskar Schindler.

贵公司在这个城市名声很好,我听了很多对贵公司的好评。Your company is very reputed in this city, I heard much praise for your company.

陈逸飞的画作更被誉为东西方的文化桥梁。"1 And his paintings are reputed to be "the cultural bridge between East and West".

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经十几年的不懈努力,“蔡美月国际婚纱”已经成为国际婚纱界的一个知名品牌。Wedding Dress has become a reputed brand in the wedding dress industry of Mainland China.

对于这四道狭缝中的三个来说,您的岳母要穿过去可能会太费力、太危险,它们因此而闻名。Three of the four slots are reputed to be too violent and dangerous for your mother-in-law.

大闸蟹的故乡就在养成,它在中国备受推崇,味道最鲜美,价格也最昂贵。Yangcheng is home to what are reputed to be China's tastiest and most expensive hairy crabs.