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这不仅是一滩油迹。This is a symbol of my gullibility.

此外,他们也不愿承认自己那么容易上当受骗。They're also sheepish about their own gullibility.

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第二,绝对不要低估媒体愚蠢的程度。Second, never underestimate the gullibility of the media.

而在不利的时候,他们会带来诡计,骗局,失望,和罪恶。On bad days, they will bring deception, disappearances, and gullibility.

出于人类的弱点、贪婪和愚蠢,人们从它们身上得到金钱。People make money from it due to human weakness, human greed and human gullibility.

据齐塔所言,“卡米洛工程”和“地平线工程”都是在测试民众的易受欺诈水平。Per the Zetas, both Project Camelot and the Horizon Project to test the public's gullibility.

难怪中国要嘲笑某些西方人的轻信。It's no wonder the Chinese spend their time laughing at the gullibility of certain westerners.

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纽伯格列举了形形色色的恶作剧动机,从“就为了好玩”,到享受轻易骗到朋友的乐趣。Nyberg cited a number of motives from "just for the hell of it" to the joy of preying on a friend's gullibility.

还有,相信我,在您的家族被起诉参与这些谋杀之后,她将被认为是易受欺骗的,即使是国王,她的儿子,也不会在再信任她。And believe me, after all these murders of which your family will be accused, her gullibility will be apparent, and even the King, her son, will no longer be able to trust her.

史密斯说他的这一研究及其它研究使他相信,向儿童做广告并非是“有罪或邪恶的”,但是,他承认应当“注意幼儿易受欺骗的特点”。Smith says his study and others reassure him that advertising to children is not "sinful or wicked", but, he concedes, one should "be mindful of the gullibility of young children".

马丁·加德纳今年刚刚辞世,生前是一位伟大的美国反伪科学斗士,他觉得人们总是容易轻信他人,这种心理如同顽疾随处可见。A neat illustration of the fact that gullibility seems to be a disease of other people was provided by Martin Gardner, a great American debunker of pseudoscience, who died this year.

虽然他的同情心充分体现了他的天性,但他与生俱来的单纯善良很容易被政治圈子中那些居心叵测的人利用。While his compassion spoke volumes of the quality of his character, his inherent gullibility and trusting nature were easily exploited by the less scrupulous in the field of politics.