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我们知道美杜莎。You know Medusa.

避免看到美杜莎。Avoid looking at Medusa.

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美杜莎可以把人变成石头。Medusa can turn men into stone.

许多人害怕美杜莎的石化攻击。Many fear the petrifying attack of the Medusa.

地球本身已经变成了一只杜美莎之舟。The earth itself became the raft of the Medusa.

接口就是对付美杜莎的镜子。Interfaces are your mirror in dealing with Medusa.

你可以把美杜莎看作是弥尔顿最重要的缪斯女神。You could think of Medusa as Milton's counter-muse.

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格蕾丝说,那是些属于水母的高空腔肠动物。Grace says they are AEROCOELENTERATES, genus MEDUSA.

据估计水母星云大小约4光年多。The Medusa Nebula is estimated to be over 4 light-years across.

他跳着站起来,然后从水母的下面快速匍匐逃离。He jumps to his feet and scrambles away from beneath the medusa.

本来是个美女,死的时候奇丑无比。It was as ugly as medusa though she was a belle when she was alive.

在希腊神话中,美杜莎是长着蛇发的女怪。In Greek mythology, Medusa was a female character with snakes for hair.

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贾斯珀希望这个石头的蛇发女怪美杜莎会把汽车和汽车主人们都变成石头。Jasper hopes the stone Medusa will turn cars and their owners to stone.

随一声像茶壶煮开了水样的啸叫,水母开始下降。With a thin scream, like a tea-kettle whistle, the medusa starts to descend.

火珊瑚在黄昏开始释放水母体,在日落后会有更多水母体释出。The first medusa appear before dusk, although more were accumulated after sun-set.

他,玩命的艺术家,自满地审视着他用鲜血绘成的蛇发女妖。As if an artist, playing with life, gloats at the Medusa gaze he creates with blood.

“先生”对于罪犯,正象一杯水对于墨杜萨①的遭难音。Monsieur to a convict is like a glass of water to one of the shipwrecked of the Medusa.

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赫密士给了帕尔修斯宙斯的镰刀和有翼的靴子,帮助帕尔修斯杀了蛇发女怪曼地莎。Hermes aided Persus in killing the gorgon Medusa by giving him Zeus' sickle and winged boots.

我的同事给我打了个比方,说不使用接口就好像看到美杜莎的头。A colleague of mine drew the analogy that not using interfaces is like looking at the head of Medusa.

蛇发女怪美杜莎,她那颗能把活人变成顽石的头颅,允许你只要在镜中看就行。The head of Medusa that turns living men to stone, you have been allowed to look at in a mirror merely.