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他对上校相当无礼貌。He was rather discourteous to Captain.

他无礼的回答使我很生气。I was offended by his discourteous reply.

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他的举止失礼是不能原谅的。His discourteous behavior can't be forgived.

忽略他的要求很不礼貌。It would be discourteous to ignore his request.

你应该为你无礼的举止道歉。You should apologize for your discourteous behaviours.

失礼也是商业信件写作中的错误。Discourteous are also errors included in business letter-writing.

这些形容词意为粗鲁,有时意为在行为或言语上无礼。These adjectives mean abrupt and sometimes discourteous in manner or speech.

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你就这样叫我过来太没有礼貌了吧!你总是这么说话吗?What a discourteous way to ask me to come over. Do you always speak that way?

如果你的主导思想是从个人出发的,那么你不会是一个讲礼貌的人。If your thoughts are predominantly self-directed, a discourteous person is what you will be.

曾经的他机灵、礼貌而富有耐心,后来却变得粗鲁、蛮横又急躁。Where once he had been prompt, courteous and patient, he was now rude, discourteous and impatient.

拒绝别人是不礼貌的事,博洛索性开口邀请,占个先头时间亲近也是好事。Yes discourteous to others, Boluosuo of open invitation for a time close Foremost is a good thing.

这次研究将职场侵犯定义为无礼貌的---包括粗鲁和失礼的语言和非语言行为。The study defined workplace aggression as incivility , including rudeness and discourteous verbal and non-verbal behavior.

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约翰•鲍威尔说他和朋友走在街上,然后停下来想要一张纸.卖纸的人很没有礼貌,非常粗鲁.当他们走远了,约翰的朋友对那人说,“你有美好的一天,现在!”The man selling the paper was discourteous and very rude. As they walked away, John’s friend said to the man, “You have a nice day, now!”

在一次外交会晤中,土耳其大使遭到以色列大使“粗鲁的”对待,土耳其要求以色列就此事进行道歉。Turkey has demanded that Israel apologise over what it called the "discourteous" way its ambassador was treated during a diplomatic meeting.

“不如我们先跳个舞,再回来喝酒吧?”拒绝别人是不礼貌的事,博洛索性开口邀请,占个先头时间亲近也是好事。"We will not jump a dance, come back to drink?" Yes discourteous to others, Boluosuo of open invitation for a time close Foremost is a good thing.

一些学生对同学麻木不仁,对大人不讲礼貌,动辄提高嗓门或用污言秽语以示怨气。Some students are insensitive and unkind to their classmates, discourteous to adults, and quick to express their anger by raising their voices or by using profanity.

这位政府首席发言人称新华社的那篇评论是对天皇的“非常不礼貌”,而且与中国在该问题的立场相冲突。The news agency's commentary was"significantly discourteous" to the emperor and it conflicted withChina's position on the issue, the chief government spokesman said.

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辱骂或刺激对手,不服从主审的命令,对大会裁判有不礼貌的行为,或其他的违反规则。Talking to, or goading the opponent, failing to obey the orders of the referee, discourteous behaviour towards the refereeing officials, or other breaches of etiquette.

代表团的任何成员有无礼的行为,可导致选手、团队或代表团失格退出锦标赛。XVII . Any discourteous behaviour from a member of an official delegation can earn the disqualification of a competitor, the entire team, or delegation from the tournament.

这个星期早些时候,图图大主教单挑总统雅各布祖马在政府的应用程序处理一个充满激情的公开谴责,称这是不礼貌的,不光彩的。Earlier this week, Tutu singled out President Jacob Zuma in a passionate public condemnation of the government's handling of the application, saying it was discourteous and disgraceful.