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爱是无微不至的窝心呵护。Love is the Woxin meticulous care.

整体声音华丽而细致。Integral voice luxuriant and meticulous.

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他以治学严谨著称。He is noted for his meticulous scholarship.

而且他还是一位非常细致的音乐家。And he was a wonderfully meticulous musician.

坐禅需要一丝不苟,细节是关键。Zazen is meticulous work and details are important.

胥吏的职能分工细致,各司其职。The Xuli, describing the function division meticulous.

人行道边围着精心栽培的花。The walks were bordered with meticulous Set-in flowers.

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我看到了一窗清雅细致的冰凌花!I saw a window of elegant and meticulous icicle flowers!

不要花费太多时间构建极仔细的工作提纲。Don't waste lots of time constructing meticulous outlines.

我们必须下功夫在群众中做细致的工作。We must take pains to do meticulous work among the masses.

浸泡式处理方式,双毛刷显影,冲版更均匀细致。Immersion, double brush developing, the plate is meticulous.

李际科是著名的工笔画家。Li Jike was a famous painter of meticulous painting drawing.

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我细心一数,有五颗蛋尚未孵出来呢。I took a meticulous count, and five eggs were still gestating.

本公司之崇高信誉,全赖于我们对翻译工作一丝不苟的精神。We have a good reputation thanks to our meticulous translations.

整个布局设计一丝不苟,给人以强烈深刻的视觉冲击,同时也遵循经济实用原则。The design is meticulous and strong and yet provides for economy.

我们没有惊天泣鬼神,却有无微不至的关心问候。We have no startled day sob ghosts and gods, but meticulous care.

过分细心的人,对一件事花费太多时间。The meticulous man frequently spends too abundance time on a task.

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一种传统花型与现代图案的精心设计相结合,给人以持久的视觉效果。There is a long for natural materials and meticulous design these days.

严峻的军官要求谨遵军纪。Austere officers demand meticulous conformity with military regulations.

这个需要更多的图纸,文件和细致的挖掘。This required extensive planning, documentation and meticulous excavation.