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他态度生硬地看了我一眼。He gave mea gruff look.

它们的姓是“格如夫。”Their last names were "Gruff".

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粗声粗气的声音刺激人的神经。A gruff voice jars on one's nerves.

他那粗重嘶哑的嗓音传入了我的耳中。His gruff hoarse voice struck my ears.

诺亚是个外冷内热的老人。Noa is a gruff old man, but has a kind heart.

他以粗鲁的态度来掩饰内心的感情。He hid his feelings behind a gruff abruptness.

他对黑人小女孩总是态度粗暴。He as a gruff manner toward little balck girls.

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比起我们这儿讲话来,只有那么粗声粗气的,比较柔和些。That's less gruff than we talk here, and softer.

虽然他态度粗鲁,其实他心地很好。Although he HAS a gruff manner, he is really very kind.

他粗暴的外表下藏着一颗非常善良的心。His gruff exterior concealed one of the kindest hearts.

克罗大娘没好气地替她搬了把椅子。Aunt Chloe set a chair for her in a manner decidedly gruff and crusty.

“一半的古巴人靠黑市为生,”他说话的时候带着种粗鲁的微笑。“Half of Cuba lives off the black market, ” he said with a gruff smile.

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在与洗牌者的混战中,粗暴暴徒的皱袖口被磨破。The gruff ruffian's ruffled cuff is scuffed in the scuffle with the shuffler.

那人虽然措辞有礼,但语调生硬,官腔实足。Despitethe politeness of the man's words, his tone sounded gruff and official.

“你们在这儿于什么?”他粗声粗气地吼叫起来,孩子们都跑掉了。"What are you doing here?" he cried in a very gruff voice, and the children ran away.

他的声音是生硬沙哑的男高音部,增加了他带给人的暴躁印象。His speaking voice, a gruff husky tenor, added to the impression offractiousness he conveyed.

他说话的声音,又粗又大的男高音,增添了他给人的性情暴戾的印象。His speaking voice, a gruff husky tenor, added to the impression of fractiousness he conveyed.

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我们的家庭医生是一位有着粗哑嗓音的老男人,我真说不清楚他在我心中是个什么样的人。Our family physician was a kind but gruff old bird, and I didn’t know what to think about him.

有一只小公山羊,一只中号公山羊和一只大公山羊,它们的名字都叫嘎啦嘎啦。There was a little billy goat gruff, a middle —sized billy goat gruff and a big billy goat gruff.

尽管他言谈粗犷、热情奔放,在他内心深处显然有个传播福音的灵魂。Eg. For all his gruff heartiness , there must lurk inside him the soul of an evangelical preacher.