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原定的保密视频会议也被取消。A planned secure videoconference was also scrapped.

针对DDN网络,提出了一种视频会议加密技术。This paper presents a new encryption scheme of videoconference on DDN network.

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还有几个是在硅谷和印度,通过电话或者视频会议加入讨论的。A few others join in by phone and videoconference from Silicon Valley and India.

视频终端,视频终端通信系统,以及电视会议系统。Video terminal, video terminal communication system, and videoconference system.

一些组别通过电子邮件完成交流,一些组别通过视频,还有一些是面对面。Some groups communicated via e-mail, some via videoconference and others face to face.

约有280个家庭还通过视频会议进行过7次团聚。There have also been seven videoconference reunion events, involving about 280 families.

要参加一个基于网络的视频会议,每个用户需要一个视频终端。To participate in a videoconference over the network, each user requires a video terminal.

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结果是网页撞车,或者网上的视屏会议屡有劈啪声和跳跃。The result is a Web page that crashes or an online videoconference that sputters and skips.

本文主要内容是围绕着解决在校园网环境内建立起网络多点视频会议系统的问题。This article mainly focuses on the resolution of the construction of multi-point videoconference in campus network.

ESPN是另一个减少超过一百万美金的公司,只是藉由使用视讯会议这样的企划来取代飞机。ESPN is another one that saved over a million dollars just on one project by using videoconference instead of an airplane.

同时,视频会议存在的安全问题在军队、党政机关、商业等方面受到日益关注和重视。Among videoconferences of military, government, commerce, and so on, the security of videoconference becomes more and more important.

一个忙碌的花商究竟将如何找出时间与母亲节当天预定鲜花的每个客户进行一场视频会议呢?How on earth would a harried florist find the time to hold a videoconference with every customer who orders flowers for Mother's Day?

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视频会议系统是一种支持人们远距离进行实时信息交流、开展协同工作的应用系统。The videoconference system is a sort of application that supports the real-time information exchange and cooperation among the people.

光纤通信传输网的建成,满足了电视会议对网络传输容量及质量的要求。The constructing of optic fiber communication network met the requirement of videoconference system in capacity and quality of the network.

在这个类中,网络空间的演讲大厅,视频会议连接学生和在尽可能作为迈阿密和深圳遥远的地方教授。In this class, the lecture hall is cyberspace, a videoconference linking students and professors in places as far-flung as Miami and Shenzhen.

会议电视是近年来发展较快的一项新业务,在企业集团、政府部门等各行各业中已得到广泛应用。Videoconference being a new teleservice which develops rapidly in recent years has been applied to many industries, such as enterprises, governments, etc.

例如,视讯会议信息包需要几乎即时到达目的地,将接受比电子邮件信息高的多的优先权。Videoconference packets, for example, which need to reach their destination almost instantaneously, would receive much higher priority thane-mail messages.

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点击或触摸显示屏,用户就能与医生建立视频会议连接,跟当地政府做生意,或发现工作上手的最佳方式。With a few clicks or touches users are able set up a videoconference with a doctor, do business with the local government or find out how best get to work.

在斯坦福与海外客户的一次视频会议中,该客户突然离席并且再也没有回来,该事件令他获得撰写此书的灵感。The book was inspired by a videoconference call Stanford was holding with an overseas client, who all of a sudden got up and left the room, never to return.

视频会议是一种多媒体通信系统,已经成为二十一世纪多媒体通信领域中一个非常热门的话题。Videoconference is a kind of multi-media correspondence system, having become 21 centuries multi-media correspondence realm the inside a very popular topic.