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高致病形式表现得更为明显。The highly pathogenic form is far more dramatic.

夫邪之生也,或生于阴,或生于阳。Pathogenic factors are either or Yin or of Yang in nature.

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膀胱炎主要致病菌是大肠杆菌。Cystitis is main pathogenic bacteria is coliform organisms.

导致荨麻疹的六淫病邪主要有风、寒、热、湿之邪。The main pathogenic factors were wind, cool, heat, dampness.

因此,本文对致病真菌凋亡通路做一综述。This paper reviews the apoptotic pathways of Pathogenic fungi.

动物试验表明10株猪链球菌对小鼠均有致病性。Animal Test shows 10 strains were all highly pathogenic to mice.

病原菌以真菌、肠杆菌科菌为主。The fungi and enterobacteriaceae were chief pathogenic bacteria.

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该项目也将集中于主要分泌性致病蛋白质。The project also will focus on key secreted pathogenic proteins.

同时蜱、鼠标本接种BSK培养基进行病原分离培养。Pathogenic isolation and culture was done using BSK culture media.

土壤、饲料高氟是加重钙磷代谢障碍引发跛行的主要因素。High level F in feed and soil was the main pathogenic factor of it.

候鸟是否传播高致病性禽流感病毒?Do migratory birds spread highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses?

结果表明,多斑艾美球虫对家鹅致病性较小。The results showed that E. stigmosa was mild pathogenic for goslings.

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同时,农抗S024对病原菌的饱子萌发也有一定的抑制作用。Germination of pathogenic spore was inhibited after treatment with S024.

钩端螺旋体病由致病性螺旋体引起。Leptospirosis is an infectious disease caused by pathogenic spirochetes.

本文还讨论了该病的致病原因和预防措施。This paper also discussed the pathogenic factors and protective measures.

阿米巴原虫大概是对人最容易引起疾病的变形虫。Entamoeba histolytica is, possibly, the most pathogenic amoeba for humans.

革兰阴性菌是临床常见的病原微生物。Gram-negative bacteria is one of the most common pathogenic microorganisms.

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新报了数种中华鳖病毒和病原菌等致病原。Some new pathogens include virus and pathogenic bacteria had been reported.

一种疫霉菌引起的香蕉新病害的病原初步鉴定。Pathogenic identification of a new banana disease caused by Phytophthora sp.

肠杆菌科细菌是肠道感染的主要致病茵。The enterobacteria is the main pathogenic bacterium in intestinal infections.