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他是纯血统的毛利人。He's a full-blooded maori.

这包括毛利人选民。This includes the Maori electorates.

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毛利人的特殊日子被称作“公众聚会”。Special days for Maori are called "huis".

例如,我是一名从新西兰毛利。For example, I am a Maori from New Zealand.

新西兰的毛利族发源于中国吗?Did New Zealand's Maori people originate in China?

毛利人聚会的地点通常是在露天会场内。The common meeting place for Maori is on the marae.

通用库克群岛毛利语。The main Cook Islands language is Rarotongan Maori.

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之后,玛格丽特和我去听一场毛利音乐会。After that, Margaret and I headed to a Maori concert.

他和毛利人做交易并向英国土地作出索赔。He traded with Maori and claimed the land for British.

新西兰的原住民被称为毛利人。The native people of New Zealand are called the Maori.

毛利人和欧洲定居者签署了一项协议。The Maori signed an agreement with the European settlers.

他们也有毛利语的报纸广播和电视节目。They also have Maori newspapers, radio and TV programmes.

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今天,有专门为毛利人小孩开办的幼儿园。Today there are special kindergartens for Maori children.

也有毛利语的报纸、广播和电视节目。They also have Maori newspapers, radio and TV programmers.

毛利英语是一种英语变体,为毛利人所使用。Maori English is a variety of English used by Maori people.

毛利语现在是新西兰的两种官方语言之一。Maori is now one of the two official languages of Aotearoa.

开始是用毛利语作介绍然后一些人唱歌。An introduction in Maori language was given and some people sang.

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在橄榄球赛前,新西兰队表演了一种毛利人的战争舞蹈。Before a rugby match the new zealand team perform a maori war dance.

此条约是英王国政府代表与毛利人酋长签订的协议。The Treaty was an agreement between Maori chiefs and the British Crown.

到毛利人民族,毛利人纹身制是神圣的形式的家庭确定。To the Maori people, ta moko is a sacred form of family identification.