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威诺娜州立大学的一位孟加拉国籍学生过来接我。Bangladeshi student of WSU came to pick me up.

威诺娜州立大学的一位孟加拉国籍学生过来接我。A Bangladeshi student of WSU came to pick me up.

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他们是孟加拉国学生组织的代表。They were the representative of Bangladeshi student organization.

之后,很多孟加拉社区搬到了那里,And then after that, there's a lot Bangladeshi community moved there, so

孟方愿与中方一道,推动孟中关系进一步发展。The Bangladeshi side is ready to work with China to push forward bilateral ties.

孟加拉国的商店和宾馆除外,它们雇佣的男性严重偏多。Bangladeshi shops and hotels, which employed disproportionately more men, were exceptions.

这项发现表明,孟加拉国饮用水中砷污染的来源可能是无限的。The finding suggests that there is an unlimited supply of the poison to Bangladeshi water.

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到上月为止,头部都连在一起的两名孟加拉联体女婴,现已康复出院。Two Bangladeshi girls, who up until last month were joined at the head, have left hospital.

达卡,孟加拉乘客在一条浮船桥上穿过布里甘加河,孟加拉。Bangladeshi commuters cross the Buriganga River on a floating boat bridge in Dhaka Bangladesh.

上千的孟加拉国外来务工者由于全球经济萧条,现踏上返乡道路。Thousands of Bangladeshi migrant workers are returning home as a result of the global recession.

麦凯恩的孟加拉国国裔养女17岁,首次在公共场合公开身份。McCain ' s 17-year-old adopted Bangladeshi daughter was introduced to the public for the first time.

近日,孟加拉国报纸有更公开的RAB涉嫌法外处决的关键。Recently, Bangladeshi newspapers have been more openly critical of RAB's alleged extra-judicial killings.

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绝大部分的孟加拉海外务工者分布在海湾国家,马来西亚,新加坡,美国以及英国。The vast majority of Bangladeshi migrant workers reside in the Gulf States, Malaysia, Singapore, the US and the UK.

2006年6月6日,外交部长李肇星与来访的孟加拉国外长穆尔希德汗举行会谈。On June 6, 2006, Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing held talks with visiting Bangladeshi Foreign Minister M. Morshed Khan.

他们还发现非洲和孟加拉国的女生在过去的几年里大幅度的提高了他们在普通中等教育考试中的成绩。They also discovered that African and Bangladeshi girls had vastly improved their GCSE grades in the last few years.

当边防部队总部发生兵变时,孟加拉军队在首都达卡进行了部署。Bangladeshi troops were deployed in the capital Dhaka when a mutiny took place in the headquarters of the border guards.

中方同意考虑每年向孟方提供中国政府奖学金,供孟青年外交官来华学习。The Chinese side agreed to provide Chinese government scholarships annually for young Bangladeshi diplomats to study in China.

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我请同是孟加拉国人的组长领我到了宿舍,起初我有些害怕,因为我的室友是个美国人。D.I asked my group leader who was a Bangladeshi to take me to my dorm.I was kind of scared first as my roommate is an American.

孟加拉首都达卡的布里贡嘎河附近,一位妇女正在晒乾赖以维生的牛粪饼。Bangladeshi woman dries cakes of cow manure which she sells as her livelihood near the Buriganga river in Dhaka December 13,2005.

孟加拉军方对上周在步枪队哗变中丧生的官员人数进行了修改。The Bangladeshi army has revised down with its figures on the number of officers killed in the mutiny by border guards last week.