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天色阴郁。The weather is gloomy.

"怎么不开心呢?"他问道.“Why so gloomy?” he asks.

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在这阴郁的秋夜!In the gloomy autumn night!

今天,天气有些阴沉。Today, some gloomy weather.

你的世界观是悲观的吗?Is your view of the world gloomy?

那里的增长前景黯淡。Growth prospects there are gloomy.

她总是那样情绪低沉。She is always in that gloomy mood.

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他的病使我感到愁闷。His illness caused me to feel gloomy.

灰暗的海上天空已经微露红光。Over the gloomy sea the sky grew red.

我们的生命将如同怅惋的花朵。Our life would be like gloomy flowers.

那旷野是荒凉凄黯的。The landscape was gloomy and deserted.

马吕斯心里忧郁地打了一个寒战。A gloomy chill traversed Marius' heart.

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我开始觉得压抑和沮丧。I started feeling oppressed and gloomy.

大家沉郁地低下了头。All dropped their heads with a gloomy air.

你必须使自己摆脱这种闷闷不乐的忧郁情绪。You must rid yourself of this gloomy mood.

他那悲观的预测已证镊嗜错误蹬。His gloomy prognostications proved be false.

在伦敦的东头,他站在一家阴暗的公寓门前。He stood in front of a gloomy tenement house.

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存词十余首,风格沉郁峻拔。Keep the first ten words, style gloomy Junba.

但在音乐方面,情况并没有这么低迷。Music-wise, however, things weren't so gloomy.

他们对整个情况持暗淡的看法。They took a gloomy view about the whole thing.