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异议登记是物权法的一项重要制度。Dissidence registration is a very important system of real right law.

第三部分分析了我国案外人异议之诉制度的现状。The third part analyzes the current situations of the outer party dissidence.

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如果您认为本站侵犯了您的权益,请及时通知本站,我们将尽快予以删除。If there is any dissidence please contact me and i will delete it immediately. thank you.

盖伊·福克斯在英国几个世纪的文化演绎下成为持不同政见和蔑视政府的标志。A man demonised for centuries in British culture has become an icon of dissidence and defiance.

第二部分考察了一些主要国家和地区对案外人异议之诉制度的规定。The second part is mainly about the regulations on outer party dissidence of the important countries.

沃格林的追随者们会毫不迟疑的接受这种对秩序的崇拜并且极端的拒绝异议者。Voegelinians do not hesitate to take this fetish for order and rejection of dissidence to its extreme.

再则,俄罗斯的绝大多数民众向来都很保守,历史上激进的改革者大多以气馁告终。今天的情况依然如此。The critical mass of Russian society has always been conservative, forcing radical reformers into frustration and dissidence.

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回溯此事件,值得提问的是,个人如何对合理化的权力提出异议,策略性地突破外在结构的制约?How was the structural limit broken through dissidence of existing political rationality?It's a worthwhile question in this case.

本文作者认为完善执行救济制度应首先导入执行救济的理念,明确执行救济的目的和概念。So, to build up a sound redress execution system and to improve the outer party dissidence system is imperative under the situation.

在尝试于交易安全与不动产静态安全之间寻找不必是居中的,但应当是恰如其分的平衡点的过程中,异议登记制度脱颖而出。By trying to find the proper balance point of business security and static security of real property, dissidence registration system stands out.

最后,论述了案外人异议之诉的特征,指出其是与执行程序密切联系的实体救济。At last, the article discusses the characteristics of the dissidence and points it is a relief entities closely connected to the execution procedure.

异议登记,既是一项阻却登记公信力的制度,也是对第三人进行风险警示的制度。Dissidence registration either is a system of removing the public credibility registration or a regulation of cautioning the risks to the third person.

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异议登记不当,造成权利人损害的,权利人可以向申请人请求损害赔偿。In case the dissidence registration is improper and bring into damages to the right holder, the holder may require the applicant to compensate for damages.

“有容”之德是我国传统文化的另一精华所在,主旨是能涵容不同意见和异质文明。Another essence of Chinese traditional culture is the virtue of tolerance, which advocates for tolerance of the dissidence and civilization of alien nature.

完善实体上的执行救济,即设立执行异议之诉,将执行异议之诉分为债务人异议之诉和第三人异议之诉。Furthermore, we should improve the execution on entity by building up dissidence law which involves debtor dissidence law and the third party dissidence law.

再次,回归案外人异议制度的本来面貌,同时构建债务人异议之诉和参与分配异议之诉。Thirdly, return to the real nature of outer party dissidence system, and synchronously build up the debtor dissidence law and distributive dissidence participation law.

但随着我国经济的快速发展以及国内各方面环境的进一步完善,很多专家学者都开始对税收优惠政策提出了异议。However, with the speeding up of the economy and the improving of the investment environment in China, many experts and scholars began to put forward some dissidence on preferential tax policy.

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异议登记后处分行为的效力,应以异议登记是否正当分为有效与无效两种。The efficiency of the punishment after the dissidence registration should be divided into two sorts as validity and invalidity according to the dissidence registration whether is appropriate or not.