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香石竹再生体系的建立。Regeneration systems of carnation.

加速神经再生。Acceleration of nerve regeneration.

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立嗣与重生是不同的。Adoption and regeneration are distinct.

重生不可从它的果子分开。Inseparability of regeneration from its fruits.

并观察术后切除椎板再生情况。Regeneration of exscinded laminae was observed.

维生素B可以促进红细胞再生。Vitamin B assists in red-blood-cell regeneration.

在她的帮助下,拉斯柯尔尼科夫开始了新生。With her help raskolnikov began his regeneration.

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来源根基法力恢复从.78升高到.95。Base mana regeneration increased to . 95 from . 78

催化剂烧炭再生是非定态过程。Catalyst regeneration is an unsteady state process.

牵张间隙内新骨生成良好。Bone regeneration was perfect in the distraction gap.

能够早期检测神经再生的质量。Early detection of the quality of nerve regeneration.

初步建立起草地早熟禾的植株再生体系。A preliminary plant regeneration system of Poa pratensis L.

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维生素D可以促进身体细胞再生。Vitamin D -- Helps cellular regeneration throughout the body.

神圣圣骑士们将使用精神作为他们的法力恢复属性。Holy paladins will use spirit as their mana regeneration stat.

KBP在视神经损伤后可能促进了视神经的轴突再生。KBP may promote regeneration of optic nerve axon after injury.

树林已经变得稀薄,增加了白杨树的再生。The trees had been thinned to increase aspen tree regeneration.

这些埋藏的橡子构成了发育有效更新苗的主要种子来源。These buried acorns form the main seed resource for regeneration.

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红松因为自身的特点要依赖鸟兽完成天然更新。The regeneration of korean pinus must relies on birds and mammals.

他们知道我已经通过自我超越后得到了再生!They know I've already got my regeneration after self-transcending!

自体骨植入结果,仍然是再生研究的“金标准”。Autogenous bone remains the "gold standard" for regeneration studies.