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描述如何建立缩图影像。Describes how to create thumbnail images.

这是目前快照的缩图。This is a thumbnail of the current snapshot.

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挪动鼠标缩图看到大图像。Move mouse over thumbnail to see large image.

用缩略视图搜索文件夹。Search through folders in the Thumbnail view.

定时检查手指尖了解血液流通情况。Regularly check the thumbnail for circulation.

每个缩略图连接到它的全尺寸的图象。Each thumbnail is linked to its full-sized image.

是否在缩图下显示图片说明。Whether to display a caption under each thumbnail.

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缩略图查看器显示图像,因为它们是实时。Thumbnail viewer displays images real-time as they are.

蜂鸟的卵比你的拇指甲还要小。The eggs of a hummingbird are no bigger than your thumbnail.

调整图像的缩略图欧恩故事阵线和博客网页。Thumbnail resize for images onn stories Front and Blog page.

现在图层蒙版的旁边你应该可以看到一个白色的缩略图。You should now have a white thumbnail beside the layer mask.

也许缩略草图并不适用于每一个人。In all honesty, thumbnail sketches might not be for everyone.

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威利茨砰的一声划了一根火柴,呼出一口烟。Willetts popped a match with his thumbnail and exhaled smoke.

设定此选项以在图像缩略图下方显示文件名称。Set this option to show the filename below the image thumbnail.

伊克巴尔的“缩略图”工作蒸汽机的重量仅1.72克。Iqbal's "thumbnail" working steam engine weighs just 1.72 grams.

设定此选项以在图像缩略图下方显示文件大小。Set this option to show the file size below the image thumbnail.

这就是对犹太-基督教故事,主题的浓缩That, I think,is a very thumbnail sketch of the Judeo-Christian story.

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对他怎样在一个磁盘上执行合并分检我嗤之以鼻。I gave him a thumbnail sketch of how to implement a Merge Sort on disk.

按一下缩图拣选相片,即可进行删除,简述或移动相片。Click the thumbnail to select photo, and you can delete or move the photo.

它还可以包含缩略图和视频对象的大小信息。It can also include size information for the thumbnail and the video object.