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有的人长着天然卷发。Some people have naturally frizzy hair.

将护手霜涂抹在头发上可防止其过于卷曲。Use hand lotion to keep your hair from getting too frizzy in the heat.

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不管是直、波浪、卷曲或卷曲,一根头发总是一根头发。Whether it be straight, wavy, curly or frizzy , a hair is always a hair.

这个实验,让人们记住了“卷曲的假发。And it was the frizzy wig " that everybody remembers from this experiment.

她两肩的华丽衣饰,鬈缩的头发,很可能使他犹豫不决。The splendour of her shoulders, her frizzy hair might have made him doubtful.

所有那些阳光、水和氯使你的头发干燥、粗糙、脆弱以及卷曲?All that sun, water and chlorine made your hair dry, rough, brittle, and frizzy?

我们可以把你的头发剪到平肩膀,然后烫起来。We can cut your hair up to your shoulders and then I'll give you the frizzy look.

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科诺尔通常不会用吹风机吹干头发,因为这样会令卷发显得毛躁。Mr. Knoll generally avoids blow-drying his hair, because it can make curls frizzy.

很奇妙的生化宝宝洗浴品,能让我宝宝乱糟糟的头发变得服贴。Fantastic biodegradable baby wash! Great for taming my baby's frizzy hair too! Smells Great.

在一个试验中,许多人知道“卷曲的假发”实验,他是这样做的。And in one experiment, which many people know as the "Frizzy Wig" experiment, he did the following.

比如一个有着非洲血统的角色可能会长着一头卷发,有着深色的皮肤和突出的嘴唇。For example, a character of African descent may be shown with pronounced lips, frizzy hair, and shaded skin.

本文针对非线性群决策系统,提出一种多模型模糊控制算法。This paper presents a multi-model frizzy -control algorithm for non-linear Group Decision Support System-GDSS.

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她要么非常漂亮,要么带个卷假发显得有点对不起观众,然后他们和这个女人谈话。She's either made to look very good or she's made to look kind of ugly with this frizzy wig and they talk to her.

它不再跟她争斗了,但它的皮毛一簇簇地掉落,眼睛迟钝,毫无生气。It no longer struggled against her, but it was losing its frizzy fur in patches, and its eyes were dull and lifeless.

提出了一种基于模糊融合的红外弱小目标快速检测新算法。A new fast detection algorithm for moving dim target in infrared image based on frizzy fusion is proposed in this paper.

为了揭示植物制造食物的方法,缩小了的菲苏老师及一班同学坐上神奇校车,深入泥土中去找出问题的答案!To unearth the amazing ways plants make their own food, Miss Frizzy and the kids shrink down and dig deep in a quest to root out the facts!

这位29岁的球星效力于匹兹堡钢人队,并以他90公分长且卷卷的“秀发”吸引了洗发水公司的注意。The 29-year-old is a hard-hitting defender for the Pittsburg Steelers club and attracted the attention of a shampoo company with his 3-feet long, frizzy hair.

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推导出了单输入TS-PID模糊控制器的插值解析表达式,为实际应用提供了一种快速精确的控制算法。The interpolation model of a single input TS-PID frizzy controller is proposed, which can be used to develop a fast and precise control algorithm in practical use.

模糊逻辑控制用来估计系统未知的不确定性因素,并同时保证了闭环系统在变结构控制到达阶段的鲁棒性。The frizzy logic control is used to estimate the unknown uncertainties, and guarantees the robustness of the closed-loop system in the reaching phase synchronously.

在西方国家,医院小丑演员是公众熟悉的人物,西方国家的医生有时会戴上卷曲的假发,开玩笑逗乐小病人,让欢笑陪伴病孩逐渐康复。Hospital clowns are familiar figures in the West, where doctors and nurses sometimes don frizzy wigs and crack jokes to jolly small patients along the road to recovery.