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如果结节性脑硬化的确是凶手?。What if the tuberous sclerosis is guilty?

皮质腺瘤是结节硬化的特异性表现。Adenoma sebaceum is pathognomonic of tuberous sclerosis.

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结节性硬化是一种常见的终身性疾病,需要长期随访。Tuberous sclerosis is a common life long disease requiring long-term follow-up.

报告1例并发主动脉瓣狭窄的结节性黄瘤病。患儿男,12岁。A 12-year-old boy presented with multiple tuberous xanthoma and aortic stenosis.

木薯粉是南美本地产的苦薯的块根制作。Tapioca is starch obtained from tuberous roots of the bitter cassava native of south america.

木薯粉是南美本地产的苦薯的块根制作。Tapioca is starch obtained from tuberous roots of the bitter cassava, native of South America.

结节性硬化症可以导致患者的胰腺、骨骼和肝脏发生纤维瘤或其他肿瘤。Tuberous sclerosis can lead to the formation of fibroids or tumors in the pancreas, bone, and liver.

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方法对19例脑结节性硬化患者的CT影像表现进行分析。Methods 19 patients with tuberous sclerosis examined with CT were analyzed for findings of CT imaging.

肾血管平滑肌脂肪瘤是一种少见的良性肿瘤这往往与结节性硬化症。Renal angiomyolipoma is an uncommon benign tumour which is frequently associated with tuberous sclerosis.

结节硬化的临床表现也包括皮肤、眼球和内脏的改变。The clinical spectrum of tuberous sclerosis also includes cutaneous, ocular, and visceral manifestations.

作者认为CT扫描为颅内结节性硬化的临床诊断提供了有力的影像学依据。We consider that CT scan can provide a forceful imaging basis for clinic diagnosis of tuberous sclerosis.

结节性硬化症,变硬变白的脑回比周围正常的脑回宽是其典型表现。This area of firm, whitened gyri that are broader than surrounding normal gyri is typical for tuberous sclerosis.

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我们认为CT检查为临床诊断结节性硬化提供了有力的影像学依据。We consider that CT Scanning can provide a forceful imaging evidence for accurate diagnosis of tuberous sclerosis.

少见的有斑驳病、结节性硬化的柳叶白斑和许多综合征的皮肤表现。There are mottled rare disease, tuberous sclerosis, and many of the white spot syndrome pattern of skin manifestations.

墨西哥的一种有块茎的草本植物,叶是草质的,花极香、蜡白色、类似小百合花,栽培以供观赏。A tuberous mexican herb having grasslike leaves and cultivated for its spikes of highly fragrant lilylike waxy white flowers.

欧洲亚洲和北美的风铃草,有蓝色的花和可食用的块根,叶子可作生菜。Bellflower of europe and asia and north africa having bluish flowers and an edible tuberous root used with the leaves in salad.

土豆是一种淀粉类,块根作物。适应性很强,从肥沃低地到很少植物存货的高山。Potato is a starchy, tuberous crop. It's very adaptable, from fertile lowlands to the high mountains where little else will grow.

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而光敏感型的津田芜菁肉质根周皮中,只有光处理有大量花青素合成,暗处理几乎无花青素合成。There was almost no anthocyanin synthesized in light-interrupted cortex tissue of tuberous root of light-independent 'Tsuda' turnip.

本文报告了经CT证实的颅内结节性硬化15例,发现室管膜下结节15例,皮质结节5例,白质病灶4例。We reported 15 tuberous sclerosis patients by CT, and found subependymal nodule in 15, cortical tuber in 5, white matter focus in 4.

结节性硬化症伴发的肾血管平滑肌脂肪瘤常为多灶性、双侧发生,瘤体较小。The rest occur sporadically . Tuberous sclerosis-associated tumors tend to be multiple, bilateral, and small &are usually asymptomatic.