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表1攥样的工业分析。Table 1 Proximate analysis of coal samples.

本次复苏的“近因”是传统性的。The proximate causes of this recovery are traditional.

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所有这些,使得海上保险近因原则成为学术领域的一个难点。All these make principle of Proximate Cause a difficult point.

外罩被可拆卸地安装在靠近于空气入口的外壳上。A cover is removably mounted to the housing proximate the air inlet.

然而在我国法律中近因原则均未得以没有明确的规定。However, in our law the principle of proximate cause is not not clear.

在很多法律规定下,该重罪必须是导致死亡的近因。Under a number of statutes, the felony must be a proximate cause of the death.

该方法提高了文本规则抽取的效率,并使其更趋实用化。Finally precise rules or proximate rules were extracted using rough set theory.

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几乎每场失败的创业都是直接因为资金断档造成的。In nearly every startup that fails, the proximate cause is running out of money.

这是第五个原因,近因和远因,是大地震的出现。This is the fifth cause, proximate and remote, of the appearance of a mighty earthquake.

这是第六的原因,近因和远因,是大地震的出现。This is the sixth cause, proximate and remote, of the appearance of a mighty earthquake.

这是第一个原因,近因和远因,是强大的地震出现。This is the third cause, proximate and remote, of the appearance of a mighty earthquake.

本章定位着重在于保险近因之特殊性及近因在保险关系适用中的特定功能。It focuses on the specificity and specific functions of proximate cause on insurance law.

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这是第四个原因,近因和远因,是大地震的出现。This is the fourth cause, proximate and remote, of the appearance of a mighty earthquake.

这是第五个原因,近因和远因,是大地震的出现。This is the seventh cause, proximate and remote, of the appearance of a mighty earthquake.

工业分析是生物质热化学工程技术中的一项常规应用分析。Proximate analysis is one of the routine procedures in utilization of straw for energy use.

这些泡沫的直接原因各不相同,但是破灭的路径极为相似。The proximate causes of these busts have been varied, but follow a strikingly similar path.

检察官必须证明被告的行为是造成伤害的近因.The public prosecutor must prove the defendant’s act was the proximate cause of the injury.

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这是第二个原因,远因或远因,是大地震的出现。These are the second causes, proximate or remote, of the appearance of a mighty earthquake.

外罩,包括空气通风帽,被可拆卸地安装在外壳的靠近空气入口处。A cover, including an air cowl, is removably mounted to the housing proximate the air inlet.

近似的解释是由于外汇汇率没有通过自由市场来决定。The proximate reason is because foreign exchange rates have not been determined in a free market.