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不要滥用牺牲荣誉称号。Don't abuse honorary titles.

我名义上的阿斯伯格综合症。I am also an honorary Asperger.

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内侍罗马教皇的名誉侍从。An often honorary papal attendant.

然后,骑士是一个荣誉称号,And then knights are an honorary title

我为何会成为一位扶轮社友。The club made me an honorary Rotarian.

这所大学授给他名誉学位。The university awarded him an honorary degree.

他拥有39项专利和19个荣誉博士学位。He holds 39 patents and 19 honorary doctorates.

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他还获中国多所大学荣誉教授衔。He has several honorary professorships from China.

你是否准备成为一名利物浦的荣誉市民啊?Are you prepared to become an honorary Scouser now?

第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马被封为名誉主席。First Lady Michelle Obama is the honorary chairmen.

她硬把她的荣誉学位扯到每次讨论中去。She drags her honorary degree into every discussion.

他拥有多个荣誉博士和教授头衔。He holds many honorary doctorates and professorships.

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阿盖尔郡军校的名誉上校克莱夫?Argyll County Military Academy Honorary Colonel Clive?

有时存在名誉作者和枪手作者之称。Sometimes there are honorary authors and ghost authors.

我要感谢斯坦博格博士颁给我这个名誉学位。I want to thank Dr. Steinberg for this honorary degree.

本大学将授以市长名誉学位。Our university will give an honorary degree to the mayor.

他刚获得了人文主义文学名誉博士学位。He received an honorary doctorate degree in Humane Letters.

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市中心医院名誉院长陈海泉表示。Honorary Hospital Central Hospital Chang Chen Haiquan said.

魔术师约翰逊与詹姆斯·沃西被聘为荣誉舰长。Magic Johnson and James Worthy served as honorary captains.

执委会可以邀请各方人仕成为名誉会员。The Exco may invite any person to become an honorary member.