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是一间贵宾房。It is a VIP Room.

我有一张贵宾卡。I have a VIP card.

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我们可是这里的贵宾啊。We are the VIP customers here.

您可以根据需要办理吉祥VIP贵宾卡。However, you can open a VIP card.

您可以申请国大药房会员卡,会员卡是免费的。You may apply for VIP card for free.

北京空港贵宾服务有限公司。Beijing airport vip service company ltd.

在贵宾到达前对贵宾房进行检查。Inspects all VIP rooms prior to arrival.

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目前该小组正在规划在人类身上进行向量免疫预防的试验。The team is now planning to test VIP in human trials.

我们已经为您准备好了VIP摆渡车请跟随我一同前往登机口。We have prepared a VIP car for you. Please follow me.

总统比尔·克林顿和女儿切尔西在贵宾席上观看。Clinton and daughter Chelsea watch from the VIP stanD.

拣起VIP装备的玩家不能是小队长或者指挥官。The player VIP may not be a Squad Leader or Commander.

这是一间贵宾房,比豪华房便宜一些。This is a VIP room, it's cheaper than the deluxe room.

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所有护理均在舒适宁静独立贵宾房进行。All treatments are carried out in individual VIP rooms.

是的贵宾的记分牌上显示,您的团队只。The VIP is shown on the scoreboard, for your team only.

普通人住不起五星级饭店的总统套房。VIP suite with luxury facilities in a star-rated hotel.

贵宾室及会议室的设备及整洁是否良好?。Are the VIP lounge and conference rooms well maintained?

晚上看烟火的时候还坐贵宾席,我爱迪士尼!!!!!!!Night, we sat on VIP seat to watch the fireworks show! ! !

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请按此打印“贵宾证确认函”!Please click here to print "VIP Badge Confirmation Letter"!

在举行试映会及VIP首映会同一家的电影院所举办的。It was the same theater where press & VIP premiere was held.

从预订到付款,每个来到这儿的客人都是朋友和贵宾。From booking to paying, everybody here is a friend and a VIP.