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与城堡毗邻的是一片天然森林。The castles abut a natural forest.

在它的影响中没有中间道路。There is no half way work abut its influence.

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但是利物浦可不仅仅有音乐和体育。But Liverpool is abut more than music and sport.

如今,再也没有那坑哇哇的土路,让人们行走方便。Now, no more abut the pit road, convenient for people to walk.

路边没有人行道,狭窄的巷子里住家和店铺挤在一起。There are no pavements. Homes and shops abut the narrow alleyways.

他开始专门画鸟,后来又专门写关于鸟类的文章。He specialized first in painting birds and later in writing abut them.

麦金托什对于近期经济前景的看法较为审慎。Mackintosh sounded a note of caution abut the near-term economic future.

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立管底部的弯管处应设支墩或采用固定措施。Abut or fixed fittings should be provided to angle branch on bottom of riser.

这个胳膊长56英寸,一定属于一个身高12英尺的雕像。Measuring 56 inches, the arm must have belonged to a statue abut 12 feet tall.

利用午饭时间,我们又一起念台词,议论到时候我该穿什么样的演出服装。Lunchtimes were spent reading over my lines and talking abut what I would wear.

我不能,我有点事得出去,请你妈妈听你弹吧。Can't. I have to go and see a man abut a horse, Ask you mother to listen to you.

简报完毕后,文祥第一件事,就是向百怪打听不二老人的事。After the briefing, the first thing Wen Xiang did was to ask Weirdo abut Buer Lao.

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我们大概离开了两个星期,而我回来做的第一件事就是去看大卫。We were gone for abut 2 weeks, and when I came back the first thing I did was go to see David.

当文字数量足够时,这类出版物的发行商就敞开大门,再无用不过了。The sort of publications one uses to abut doors open when abundant enough, serve no better purpose.

我对你们的产品印象很深刻。但是关于售后服务,我们有一些问题。We are really quite impressed by your product. But we have some questions abut the after-sale service.

是的,亲爱的,外在的一切都看似美好,但是内部已经有了很多震动。这非常像现在的盖亚。Yes beloveds all seem rosy on the outside abut there is a lot of shaking on the inside, Very much like Gaia at times.

XBRL是“可扩展商业报告语言”的简称,中国会计人员对它的了解并不广泛也不深入。XBRL is abbreviation of the"eXtensible business reporting language. The account- ants in China are not familiar abut XBRL."

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因此,光纤的核心目的可能紧靠精确地控制每个横在路毗连的其他套管。Thus, fiber optic core ends within the abutting ferrules may abut each other with precisely controlled transverse alignment.

今天,人们认为它是一个“边省”,这是在青藏高原及毗邻的越南、老挝和缅甸。Today people think of it as a "frontier province", which lie just below the Tibetan plateau and abut Vietnam, Laos and Burma.

我知道你们一直工作很努力,但对加班费的事我不太清楚。我先跟你们的轮机长谈谈好吗?I know that you've been working hard, but I'm not very clear abut the overtime pay . Shall I talk about it with your chief engineer first?