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我前一阵子运气超好。I had a streak of good luck.

他身上有条黄条纹。He had a yellow streak in him.

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一条红黄色的尾迹出现在空中。A yellow-red streak in the sky.

但是伴随着一个残酷的倾向。But a brutal streak went with it.

他有虐待狂的倾向。There was a sadistic streak in him.

不过棕条纹病却可以毁坏植物。But brown streak can destroy a crop.

第十四,戒掉完美主义的脾性。Get rid of your perfectionist streak.

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现在活体爆弹也会影响这个天赋。Hot Streak now also affects Living Bomb.

左边的是明亮的条纹卡诺帕斯。The bright streak on the left is Canopus.

我相信球队能够打开胜利之门。I believe the team can open a winning streak.

东方一线鱼白,黎明已经到来。A streak of light in the east heralded the dawn.

美国人的意识广泛带有反大企业的色彩。Americans have a wider anti-big-business streak.

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点蚀形貌是敏锐的条纹状花样。The morphology of pits are sharp streak pattern.

她这一阵子坏运气似乎到头了。Her streak of bad luck seems to be bottoming out.

在晴朗的夜晚,好几十颗流星划破长空。On a clear night scores of meteors streak the sky.

狸花猫有非常清楚、明显的斑纹。The fox tabby cat has clearly, the obvious streak.

冠军队连连获胜的好运被主队打断了。The home team broke the champions' winning streak.

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她的头发上染了几条鲜艳的红色。Her hair was coloured with a defiant streak of red.

斯皮兹纳戈尔的连胜势头现在将接受考验。Mr. Spitznagel's winning streak now will be tested.

我想我有一点反叛连胜了。I think I had a little streak of rebelliousness too.