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除了前场,这个球队都有明显的不足。Outside the frontcourt , this team is pretty thin.

加索尔和拜纳姆在一起的前场有足够的空间给他们两人发挥么?Is there room in the frontcourt for both Pau Gasol and Andrew Bynum ?

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他提供很好的前场深度,我们很高兴能把他留在。He provides tremendous depth to our frontcourt and we're happy to bring him back.

联盟中的任何球队都渴望从锋线球员得到如此大的支持。Any team in the league would kill to get that kind of production from the frontcourt.

“这也许会是NBA很多很多年里最长久最强大的前场,”库普切克说。It could be the longest and biggest frontcourt in the NBA in many, many years, " Kupchak said."

鲍尔说,“他是个有经验的老兵,他那一直在强队打球的经验能够对我们的前场锋线形成极大的补充。”He is a veteran leader, who has been on winning teams and will be a great addition to our frontcourt.

费舍尔和科比将分别与兰多和阿伦对位。而前场的对位将有很多变化。Fisher will guard Rondo and Bryant will be on Allen, but the frontcourt matchups may take some maneuvering.

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他场均19分7篮板,是他们的二号得分手甚至前场进攻组织者。He's their No. 2 scorer with 19 points a game while adding seven rebounds and serving as a frontcourt playmaker.

这其中当然包括拥挤的前场,所以喇嘛将会从大前锋的位置移到小前锋的位置上。It will include juggling a loaded frontcourt and Lamar Odom possibly moving from power forward to small forward.

真正的原因是麦迪在的时候锋线球员给予很大的支持,而当姚明在的时候斯通和海德没有做到这样。The vets in the frontcourt that stepped up as opposed to Alston, Head etc that did not when Yao was in and McGrady was not.

夏天,这个前锋将会成为受限制的自由球员,而在下赛季拜纳姆回归后,他就面临着前场球员拥挤的局面。The forward will be a restricted free agent this summer and faces a possible logjam in the frontcourt with the return of Bynum next season.

今年夏天这个前锋将成为受限制的自由球员,在下个赛季拜姆回来之后在前场将面临一个僵局。The forward will be a restricted free agent this summer and faces a possible logjam in the frontcourt with the return of Bynum next season.

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西部赛区金州勇士队的中锋扎扎·帕楚利亚在最新公布的球迷投票中位列前场球员次席。In the Western Conference, Golden State center Zaza Pachulia was in second place among frontcourt players in the most recent fan voting update.

这个25岁的年轻人今年终于来到球队,他承载着人们的期望,期望这是自海军上将之后的再一个跟邓肯完美搭配的前场。The 25 year-old finally arrives this season, carrying high hopes he can provide Tim Duncan with his best frontcourt compliment since The Admiral.

如果双方谈不妥,如果在前场他们有足够的球员,他们也可以选择交易走拜纳姆。If the full house doesn't work out, if there isn't enough time and space to be divvied up among the frontcourt players, they could always trade him.

灰熊前场队员受伤,这给了火箭练兵的好机会。火箭希望其他的球员也能打起来,不能只靠麦迪和姚明统治大部分时间,同时也是防守的需要。The Rockets looked to set up players other than McGrady and Yao in a large part because of the Grizzlies' frontcourt injuries and defensive assignments.

在嘲笑了活塞的板凳几年后,我现在必须说活塞已经储备了足够多的球员,尤其是在前场。After years of ragging on the Pistons' bench, I now must report that they have as much in the tank as anyone in basketball, especially in the frontcourt.

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去年夏天离开威斯布鲁克的前队友凯文·杜兰特将成为西部的前场首发。Westbrook's former Oklahoma City teammate Kevin Durant, who left over the summer for the Golden State Warriors, will headline the Western Conference frontcourt.

如果这个前途无量的7尺巨人能够回到那状态,并且跟加索尔融合,那么湖人的前场将大有优势,他也会成为拼抢冠军缺少的那一环。If the promising 7-footer is able to recapture that form and mesh with Pau Gasol, the Lakers' frontcourt could be dominant and he could be the missing piece in a title run.

除了网队的第一选择在今年的决议草案,身高7英尺的中心不容洛佩兹从斯坦福大学,彝,预计将有助于提供的前场的大小团队缺乏上个赛季。Alongside the Nets' first pick in this year's draft, the 7-foot center Brook Lopez from Stanford, Yi is expected to help provide the frontcourt size the team lacked last season.