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主教转过身来,朝着那人。The Bishop turned to the man.

一位主教为他们证婚。They were married by a bishop.

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而我呢,只是一个干瘪瘪的乡下主教。I am only a poor peasant bishop.

主教为新建成的教堂祝圣。The bishop blessed the new church.

三季度长度主教袖。Three-quarter length bishop sleeves.

主教主持了婚礼。The bishop officiated at the marriage.

不久以后,他成为了一名主教。Not long afterward, he became a bishop.

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主教在大教堂执行圣职。The bishop officiated at the cathedral.

流说,“人们正在观望。”"People are hunkering down, "Bishop says.

在395年,他成为希波皇室的主教。He was made Bishop of Hippo Regius in 395.

那是马赛马若尔教堂的主教。He was the Bishop of Majore at Marseilles.

那么,首先,我用我的兵吃了你的象。First, then, I take your bishop with my pawn.

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主教早已叫人把那些铁件取去了。The Bishop had had all this ironwork removed.

主教把他的客人安置在壁厢里。The Bishop installed his guest in the alcove.

主教大人沉睡在他的大床上。The Bishop is fast asleep in his massive bed.

主教没有委派一个继任人。The bishop had appointed no successor to him.

很显然,主教对教区的记录很清楚。Clearly, the bishop was privy to parish records.

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主教表示说,他十分讨厌老鼠。The bishop expressed an uer detestation of rats.

来自天空的一线彩光正射在主教的身上。A reflection of that heaven rested on the Bishop.

主教显出一副惊奇的神气瞧着她。The Bishop gazed at her with an air of amazement.