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也没有汞?No mercury?

水银柱在35摄氏度左右徘徊。The mercury hovered around 3512.

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水银像磁石一样吸引这金子。Mercury attracts gold like a magnet.

温度突然下降到零下5度。The mercury dived to five below zero.

水星在射手座,土星衰落。Mercury in Sagittarius, Saturn fading.

停止等待水星逆行。Wait for Mercury to stop retrograding.

温度计的水银柱骤然下降到零下十二度。The mercury dived to twelve below zero.

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汞的化学元素符号是什么?What's the chemical symbol for mercury?

能代替汞灯、钠灯使用。Instead of mercury lamp and sodium lamp.

不带针头的注射器-用来收集水银syringe without needle- to pick up mercury

尽管铁重,但它能浮在水银上。Heavy as iron is, it will float in mercury.

频繁地眨动,像滚落在地上的水银珠。Like beads of liquid mercury rolling about.

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水银的密度比水大得多。Mercury has a much greater density than water.

水银的密度比水大得多。Mercury has a much greater density than water.

树皮的汞含量与韧皮部相近。This had similar mercury levels to the phloem.

水银柱沉入了弥留之日的口中。The mercury sank in the mouth of the dying day.

带盖的塑料容器-用来盛水银plastic container with lid- to hold the mercury

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啊,这是水星逆行的一部份影响。Ah, it's part of the Mercury retrograde process.

历经70余载,福特水星汽车即将淡出市场。After more than 70 years, Mercury is fading away.

突然,乐队主唱弗雷迪•墨丘利对他说And suddenly, Freddie Mercury was speaking to him