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这是美国与拿破仑战争的联系。It was the U.S. connection to the Napoleonic Wars.

从1801年开始,在拿破仑一世战争时期,葡萄牙被占领。From 1801, the country was occupied during the Napoleonic Wars.

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日俄战争是一场日本和沙皇俄国为重新分割中国东北和朝鲜而进行的帝国主义战争。dreaming blindly, a Napoleonic dream. And to this dream the Japanese

工作狂经理工作以外的生活一片空白,而她也希望你能做到和她一样。The Napoleonic Manager has no life outside of work and expects the same from you.

小说的场景设置在爱丁堡和拿破仑战争时期的锡兰。The novel is set in Edinburgh and the Lothians at the time of the Napoleonic Wars.

那么,为什么说如此多“拿破轮一世式”的软件使得这种情况更加糟糕呢?Why, then, do so many software companies make it even worse with their Napoleonic software?

阿鲁巴的犯罪法律体系是以荷兰法律为基础建立起来的,带有明显的拿破伦法典的继承痕迹。Aruba's criminal justice system is based on Dutch law and a descendant of the Napoleonic code.

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如果你有拿破仑情结,你们小小的身体里一定怀着一颗巨大的野心。If you have a Napoleonic complex, then your ambition is likely much greater than your stature.

拿破仑统治后期,从法国逃离的修道士酿造了最早的啤酒。The Trappist dark ales were first brewed by monks who fled France after the Napoleonic period.

拿破仑时代法国作家斯塔尔夫人以说话尖酸著名。Madame de Stael, a French writer of the Napoleonic period, was renowned for her cutting tongue.

一八○八年,拿破仑部队和雷丁将军率领的西班牙军队在拜伦交战。The Battle of Bailen was fought in 1808 between Napoleonic troops and the Spanish army under General Reding.

在法国大革命和拿破仑时期大部分的战争中,奥地利的炮兵是以炮兵团为基本单位组成的。For most of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, Austria's artillery was organised into artillery regiments.

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有一些甚至发表拿破仑的单边“声明”,表明自己对国家法律是免责的。Some even issue Napoleonic unilateral "statements" declaring themselves to be exempt from the laws of the land.

历史学家将拿破仑战争战争追溯到1803年,当时英国在短暂的“亚眠和平”后向法国宣战。Historians date the Napoleonic wars from 1803, when Britain declared war on France after the brief Peace of Amiens.

这种用途成为非常重要的军事机密,在拿破仑战争期间,英国就曾禁止石墨和铅笔销往法国。During the Napoleonic Wars, for instance, the English Crown embargoed the sale to France of both graphite and pencils.

美国独立战争,法国大革命和拿破仑战争暂时缩减了欧洲对切萨皮克烟草的需求。The American and French revolutions and the Napoleonic Wars temporarily curtailed the European demand for Chesapeake tobacco.

皮克顿在拿破仑战争中是一名英国将军,1815年的滑铁卢战役中他死于头部枪伤。Picton was a British general in the Napoleonic wars and he died of a gunshot wound to the head in 1815 at the battle of Waterloo.

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我们认为17世纪的战争是毛瑟步枪和长矛的时期,而19世纪早期则完全是关于拿破仑的战争。We think of 17th-century warfare as the period of the musket and pike, while the early 19th century was all about Napoleonic warfare.

世界各国的统治者原形毕露,无力对抗拿破仑的光荣与伟大的理想。The sovereigns of the world, stripped bare by him, can oppose no rational ideal to the senseless Napoleonic ideal of glory and greatness.

拿破仑时期的士兵需要跪姿的机会比较少,因此套件中九个姿态中有两个是跪姿显得有些多余。However the few occasions on which a Napoleonic soldier might find cause to kneel do not warrant having two of the nine poses doing so here.