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有任何你需要保留的东西吗?。And is there aught you would withhold?

但谁能忍住不说呢。but who can withhold himself from speaking?

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请暂时不要发这份文件。Please withhold the document for the time being.

衪没有留下慈爱不给我们。His does not withhold His loving-kindness from us.

日立公司也并不总是隐瞒其设计机密。Hitachi doesn't always withhold its design secrets.

父亲教我们永不言败。Fathers teach us to withhold the impulse to overpower.

读者无法抑制自己的兴趣和赞佩。The reader cannot withhold his interest and admiration.

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奥巴马政府执政第二年才保留了一部分的支援。Only in the administration's second year did it withhold some aid.

老式的想法是当女人想要权力的时候会克制性。The old-fashioned idea is that women withhold sex when they want power.

是的,你得填一个W-4表,以便我们分明我们须要扣多少。Yes. You need to fill a W-4 form, so we know how much we should withhold.

有人夺去你的外衣,连裹衣由他拿去!And from him who takes away your cloak, do not withhold your tunic either.

工商企业可简易的从雇员薪水上扣除来实现税额减免。Companies could simply reduce the tax they withhold from employees' paychecks.

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我宁愿扣留而不支持你展开黄金箔在门槛上。I would rather withhold than uphold you unfold the gold foil on the threshold.

例如,绝大部分羚羊能把分娩期推迟几个星期,甚至几个月。Most antelopes , for example, can withhold their young for weeks, even months.

你可以求王,他必不禁止我归你。Now therefore, please speak to the king, for he will not withhold me from you.

本公司将为该员工代扣代徼个人所得税,并将应纳税款上交相应税务机关。The COMPANY shall withhold such amount and pay it to the competent tax bureau.

家庭类雇主非属所得税法所规定之扣缴义务人,不得替外国人扣缴所得税款。The employer is not required to withhold the income tax of the foreign worker.

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羲轩之书,未尝去手,尧舜之谈,未尝离口。Xihe porch the book, never to hand, many legends from talk, withhold from mouth.

委员会决定扣发某些学生的部分助学金。The board has decided to withhold part of their grant money from certain students.

对缺乏改革意愿的政府,美国可暂不给予支持。For governments lacking the will to reform, the United States can withhold support.