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在何西阿书中可以读到这些。Read the Book of Hosea about this.

希伯来的先知曾经说过,“噢,我们可以感知上帝!Hosea once said, "Oh, that we might know the Lord!

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此书以上帝对何西阿婚姻的指示开始。The book begins with God's marriage instructions to Hosea.

那么,何西阿所说的这个圣约究竟是在何时设立的呢?When could this covenant Hosea is speaking of, then, have been established?

蒋氏对中国近代史的理解有很强的西方思想背景,特别是马士对他影响很大。He was greatly influenced by western thinkers and scholars, especially Hosea Ballou Morse.

上帝吩咐何西阿娶一妻子,并且事先告诉何西阿他的妻子将对他不忠。God told Hosea to find a wife, and told him ahead of time that she would be unfaithful to him.

我们今天的读经讲的是神通过他的先知,何西阿斥责他的子民以色列人。We have read today an extreme rebuke to God's people, the nation of Israel, by the prophet Hosea.

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第二章在讲何西阿对不贞之妻的态度,正是上帝对以色列的态度。Chapter two describes both the attitude of Hosea toward his unfaithful wife and that of God toward Israel.

所以在公元前7世纪初期,也就是何西阿讲道的几十年后,以色列仍然是宗教多元主义当道。So in the early part of the 7th century B.C.E., decades after Hosea issued his sermons, Israel was still awash in religious pluralism.

第十章重述以色列人早在旷野流浪之日,就已有了拜偶像的罪。In continuing to stress their guilt in chapter ten, Hosea reaffirms the idolatrous hold that was upon Israel ever since the early days in the wilderness.

但是何西阿回顾人类被造的事件时,就有十足的理由,看到在此时刻,神会与全人类设立一个有条件的圣约。But it would make perfect sense for Hosea to look back on the event of mankind's creation and see a conditional covenant with all mankind established at that time.

救赎历史中,不存在这样一个时刻,让何西阿有理由认为神与全人类立了一个有条件的圣约。There is no time in the history of redemption that it would make sense for Hosea to view as involving the establishment of a conditional covenant with all mankind.

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英国教育家巴卢曾经说过,“教育始于母亲膝下,孩童耳听一言一语,均影响其性格的形成”。The British educator, Hosea Ballou once said, "Education commences at the mother's knee, and every word spoken within the hearsay of children tends towards the formation of character."

遵循天气规律并无任何不当之处,但是何西阿说我们需要承认上帝的到来,就如同我们确信太阳和雨水会到来一样。There is nothing wrong with following the weather patterns, but Hosea is stating that as surely as we acknowledge the sun and rain coming, we need to acknowledge the coming of the Lord.