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结果并不支持死刑有震慑作用的想法。This offers no support for the notion of deterrence.

前以色列国防部长阿伦斯说,这次交换削弱了以色列的威慑力。Former Defense Minister Moshe Arens says the deal erodes Israeli deterrence.

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前以色列国防部长阿伦斯说,这次交换削弱了以色列的威慑力。Former defense minister moshe arenes says the deal erodes israeli deterrence.

在这场新型军备竞赛中,根本就没有裁军或者遏制力的路线图。And in this new arms race, there is no road map for disarmament or deterrence.

俄亥俄级潜艇是专门为范围扩展后的战略核威慑巡逻而设计的。The Ohio-class submarines were specifically designed for extended deterrence patrols.

黄荆提取物对小菜蛾成虫产卵有明显的忌避作用。The extracts had evident oviposition deterrence to the adults of Plutella xylostella.

“裁军论者”中的极端派声称,稳定的威摄是一种危险的骗局。An extreme school of " disarmers" pronounced stable deterrence was a dangerous deception.

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以色列分析人士许富坦说,以色列需要加强新的威慑方针。Israeli analyst Dan Schueftan says Israel needs to strengthen its new policy of deterrence.

文章同时指出朝鲜坚持未来会深化核能力。The article also said the DPRK is vowing to strengthen its nuclear deterrence for the future.

死刑反对者明白这一点,因此他们坚称阻吓没有效果。Death-penalty opponents understand this, which is why they insist that deterrence has no effect.

相反,开发人员认为安全应该用风险降低、缓减和制止来衡量。Instead, developers perceive security in terms such as risk reduction, mitigation, and deterrence.

惩罚、威慑和鼓励是惩罚性赔偿制度的三个主要功能。Notwithstanding, punishment, deterrence and encouragement are three main functions of this system.

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毕竟,印度只对其面临的危险有“可靠的最低限度的威慑”感兴趣。India, after all, is interested only in "credible minimum deterrence" against the threats it faces.

这段显然是冷战期间共同毁灭原则的参照,预示着进入了威慑纪元。This obvious analogy to the Cold War's Mutually Assured Destruction has ushered in the Deterrence Era.

今天的威胁与冷战时期有很大的不同,那时威胁的确存在,我们也运用了威慑。Very different from the Cold War where we saw the threat-it already existed-and we applied deterrence.

我的看法是,新政策以温和的威慑损失为代价买了一份微不足道的新动机。My view is that the new policy buys a trivial new incentive at the cost of a modest loss in deterrence.

利文撒尔说,论坛期间将举行六次专题讨论会,题目包括遏制腐败及创建廉正文化等。The forum will include six workshops on topics ranging from deterrence to creating a culture of integrity.

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相反,佛雷德里曼认为国际合作的深化造成了一种新的阻碍形式。Instead, Friedman argues that the depth of international collaboration has created a new form of deterrence.

威慑的概念对国家行为者所熟悉,但在世界多个核大国。The concepts of deterrence against state actors are familiar, though not in a world of multiple nuclear powers.

冷战时期的思维模式以及核威慑效用的过时论点继续毒害着这场辩论。The Cold War paradigm and obsolete arguments about the utility of nuclear deterrence continue to poison the debate.