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山顶矗立罗星塔。Peak towering Romanian Star Tower.

我同意。我超爱看来自罗马尼亚的体操选手比赛。I agree. I love to watch the Romanian gymnasts!

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我喜欢罗马尼亚菜,我喜欢中东菜。I like Romanian foods, I like Middle Eastern foods.

她的父母亲是罗马尼亚的犹太人并且远离了反犹太主义。Her parents were Romanian Jews fleeing anti-Semitism.

这位31岁的罗马尼亚射手将面临最高8年的禁赛。The 31-year-old Romanian faces a ban of up to 8 years.

这是因为肥罗受到了年轻人的特殊照顾。This is because the fat was young Romanian special care.

我需要一个比萨饼店罗马尼亚标志。更多细节时。I need a logo for a pizzeria Romanian. for more details pm.

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几百年来,巫术一直是罗马尼亚文化的一部分。Witchcraft has been part of Romanian culture for centuries.

手以快速有力的划水占据了领先位置。The Romanian rowers pulled ahead with fast, powerful strokes.

您好!我需要一个比萨饼店罗马尼亚标志。更多细节时。Hello! I need a logo for a pizzeria Romanian. for more details pm.

作者是罗马尼亚的科学家兼教师赫尔曼·奥伯特。It was written by Hermann Oberth, a Romanian scientist and teacher.

罗马尼亚杀手自从肘部受伤之后一直不在状态。The Romanian hit-man has been out of action since injuring his elbow.

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孩子的父亲据说是是另一个很小的一个不知名的罗马尼亚13岁的男孩。The father is said to be another minor, an unnamed Romanian boy aged 13.

有人说蒂米什瓦拉是罗马尼亚的上海,我想说我们可以做得更好!Some say Timisoara is the Romanian Shanghai. I say we can do even better!

首先,你怎么能将掌握西班牙语这件事寄希望于一个罗马尼亚老人呢?How did you ever expect to gain mastery of Spanish from an old Romanian man?

罗马尼亚政府和人民感谢中国对罗马尼亚的无私援助。The Romanian government and people thank for China's disinterested assistance.

除此之外还有英语、俄语、犹太依地语和罗马尼亚语。Other languages spoken in Israel include English, Russian, Yiddish and Romanian.

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围着六张会面桌中的一张,我们可以听到波兰语、德语和罗马尼亚语。Around one of the six meeting tables, we hear Polish, German, and Romanian words.

今年夏天,马德里政府重新引入了对罗马尼亚人移入的限制。This summer, the government in Madrid reintroduced controls on Romanian immigrants.

同他一起观战的是I·贝卡利,众多罗马尼亚球员的经纪人。He saw the final besides Ioan Becali, who is the agent of a lot of romanian players.