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玛丽很喜爱蚀刻艺术。Mary is very keen on etching.

夜景犹如一幅黑白分明的木刻画。The night was an etching in black and white.

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亦是制造蚀刻板画的印版式的方法。Also, a process to prepare a plate for etching.

镜面,蚀刻,发纹。Mirror Finish, Etching Finish, Hairline Finish.

叙述了浸蚀介质的选取原则。Principles for choosing etching media are described.

还可在此基础上磨砂和蒙砂。You are also on this basis and frosting and etching.

挂在墙上的是一幅精致的教堂蚀刻板画。Hanging on the wall was a fine etching of the church.

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本设备为柜体式腐蚀机,整台设备均采用进口件。All of accessories of this etching cabinet are imports.

我今天了解到了制作一幅铜版画的全过程。I got to knowthewhole process of making a etching today.

EPR法与草酸电解浸蚀试验结果相吻合。EPR method is consistent with the oxalic acid etching test.

刻蚀超越此值的后果应该是清楚的。The concern with etching beyond this point should be clear.

本文研究了刻蚀中出现的电流振荡现象。Finally, we discussed the current oscillation in etching process.

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本文介绍一种新的V形槽腐蚀方法。In this article, a new technique for V-groove etching is presented.

本文讨论了镍铬钢光亮浸蚀的电化学本质。Electrochemical nature of bright etching of Ni-Cr steel is discussed.

介绍了一种无刻蚀直流镀铁工艺。The process of iron plating without etching pretreatment was studied.

我今天了解到了制作一幅铜版画的全过程。I got to know the whole process of making a copperplate etching today.

作伪者往往用化学腐蚀的方法制作出古玉古旧的沁色。Often with fake chemical etching method to produce color Qin old jade.

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最后,概观等离子腐蚀在器件制作中的应用。The applications of plasma etching in device fabrication are surveyed.

能与大多数金属起作用,用于蚀刻钢材和光刻。It attacks most metals and is used for etching steel and photoengraving.

采用现代蚀刻工艺制作而成,极富装饰性,使用环境为卫浴间。It is made by modern etching and full of decoration and used in bathroom.