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他聪明、机敏而且讨人喜欢。He is bright, personable and resourceful.

多一些微笑并且做到行为优雅和风度迷人。Smile a lot and be personable and engaging.

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我见到的是一些聪明、成熟、品貌兼优的人。The people I met were intelligent, mature, personable.

他是一位风度翩翩的艺人而我希望人们能这样看他。He's a personable entertainer and I hope people see that in him.

你一定是风度翩翩,并能够在日常沟通的基础上很容易。You must be personable and able to communicate readily on a daily basis.

他们一点也不无趣。他们都是非常有意思,非常有个性的人。that they are not boring. They are very interesting and very personable people.

每个人都知道在有老板的公司里聪明的做法是友善、和蔼和亲。Everyone knows that it's wise to be friendly and personable when in the company of the boss.

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朕羡慕你,有这样识大体明事理,且文武兼备的儿子。I envy you for giving such a personable and astute son gifted in both cultural and military affairs.

随后莫雷还风度翩翩恭喜了五年后首度晋级季后赛的灰熊。Congratulations with the Houmo Lei also personable playoffs for the first time in five years the Grizzlies.

对人友善、讨人喜欢与不合时宜令人尴尬之间的差别其实是很微妙的,你总不希望自己是后一种情况吧。There's a fine line between being friendly and personable and being awkward. You do not want to be the latter.

记住,他们想雇佣能和同事和谐相处的人。你得展示随和优雅的一面。Remember, they want someone who works well with people. You've got to show them how easy-going and personable you are!

记住,他们想找可以和别人一起工作的人,你要向他们展示你是多么的好相处、多么的有个人魅力。Remember, they want someone who works well with people. You've got to show them how easy-going and personable you are.

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通过结合使用考虑空间位置的语音集成,化身有助于产生更真实的体验。Combined with spatially accurate voice integration, avatars help make the in-world experience more real and personable.

莫奇安特相信奥提兹是个有天赋、很帅气而且风度极佳的140磅级别希望之星,拥有卓越的潜能。Merchant thinks Victor Ortiz, a talented, good-looking and highly personable 140-pound prospect, has crossover potential.

我知道了,你就是那个如果象我这样今天才认识你的人都不敢想象当年只有一层下巴的你会是多么的风流倜傥风情万种。I see, you're the cute and personable guy I can hardly imagine how handsome you looked like when you had only one layer of chin.

王微风度翩翩,操一口流利的英语,这得益于早期留学并工作于英国和欧洲,直到2000年初才回到自己的祖国中国。Wang is personable and speaks fluent English, a legacy of having studied and worked in the US and Europe before returning to his native China earlier this decade.

谷歌用户体验小组的目标是为用户创造出有用的,快速的,简单的,容易融入的,有创意的,通用的,受益的,漂亮的,值得信任的以及个人的产品。The Google User Experience team aims to create designs that are useful, fast, simple, engaging, innovative, universal, profitable, beautiful, trustworthy, and personable.

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他外表英俊,风度翩翩,广受英国外交和社交界欢迎,是整骨理疗专家史蒂芬。沃德晚会上的常客。He was a handsome, personable officer and a popular figure on the British diplomatic and social scene, a frequent guest at parties given by society osteopath Stephen Ward.

尼克?克莱格,风度翩翩的自由民主党领导人,喜欢开玩笑说,他不能在40岁刚出头的时候就成了粗鲁的六英尺高的白人男性——像卡梅伦那样。Nick Clegg, the personable leader of the Liberal Democrats, likes to joke that he cannot help being roughly six feet tall, male, white and in his early 40s—like Mr Cameron.

他们中的大多数很聪明,有自己的个性,并非缺乏天分和想法,但是他们已经被这个很少强调创造性和独特思维的教育体系框住了,形成了统一的模式。Most were intelligent, personable men and women, not without talent or opinions, but they had been shaped by an educational system that rarely stressed or rewarded critical thinking or inventiveness.