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雪橇沿著山坡向下滑行。The sledge coasted down the slope.

我们再来看下雪橇在光滑冰面上滑行的例子。Well , a sledge sliding on flat ice.

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雪橇滑下山坡。The sledge coasted down the mountain slope.

拖着雪橇在雪地里跋涉的人。Trekking through the snow pulling a sledge.

还记得雪橇在平滑冰面上的滑行么。So remember the sledge moving over the flat ice.

雪橇终于向前冲了出去,几乎把我撞得失去平衡。The sledge shot forward, knocking me off balance.

状态——阿拉斯加是用于拉拽的工作犬。Condition — The Alaskan Malamute is a working sledge dog.

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那还不如用大铁锤打铁砧。It would be worse than beating an anvil with a sledge hammer.

你都已经停止推动雪橇了但是为什么它还会前进呢?Once you stopped pushing how is it that the sledge keep going ?

哈士奇雪橇犬便宜的多少钱一只?How much be one god of the earth of Hashiqi sledge dog petty gain?

问题来了,我指的是雪橇,那看起来很正常,对吧?Ok we got a problem here , I mean the sledge ,its seems fine ,right ?

他拿起铁锤不断地砸向那块空心的地板。He takes the sledge hammer and smashes it repeatedly into the hollow spot.

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比阿兰德回头看了看群山。“机动雪橇能上得来吗?”他问。Bjaaland looked back at the mountains. 'Can a motor sledge get up here?' he asked.

其余的狗则常边跑边打,弗朗索瓦只好不时停下雪橇。The other dogs fought in their harnesses and Franois often had to stop the sledge.

第二天天一放亮,它们便跑回雪橇边。只见弗朗索瓦和。At first light they returned to the sledge and found Perrault and Franois tired and angry.

惊颤冲进巴士,试图用锤子打破车窗。Police rushed the bus, trying frantically to break through the windows with sledge hammers.

一名16岁少女在昨晚死去,她驾驶一架简易雪橇冲进了一团尖锐的铁丝网。A 16-year-old girl died last night after riding a makeshift sledge into a barbed wire fence.

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坐到我雪橇上来吧,我给你裹上披风,好一起谈谈心。Come and sit with me here on the sledge and I will put my mantle round you and we will talk.

大约中午时分,我看到四只“野胡”拉着像雪撬一样的一种车子朝房子这边走来。About noon, I saw coming towards the house a kind of vehicle drawn like a sledge by four Yahoos.

他拿起一柄铁锤,敲击着地板,他发现有一块地板听起来是空心的。He grabs a sledge hammer and begins hitting the floor until he hits something that sounds hollow.