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那阴影固定不动了。The shadow remained stationary.

定态波函数形态特征。Morphology of stationary state eigenfunction.

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猫像影子般地滑过去,或者静止不动。Camel slip past like a shadow cat, or stationary.

专制国家本质上等于固定下来的匪帮。In nature autarchy is the fixed stationary bandit.

电脑省了我们很多时间和办公用品。Computer saves a lot of time and office stationary.

安装机床不需设置地脚螺栓与地面固定。Machines are stationary on the floor without anchors.

定常热强迫波总不稳定。Stationary thermal forced waves are always nu-stable.

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山有静止相,水有流动相。Mountain stationary phase and water with mobile phase.

我们有一个在轨运行的电子和一个静止原子核。We have an orbiting electron but a stationary nucleus.

处在这种状态的黑洞事实上处于静止状态。A black hole in such a state is essentially stationary.

只有在停车时才动用手刹。Only use the handbrake when your vehicle is stationary.

现在“海岸线”和互动的桌子都有了固定的座位。Now the "coastline" and exchange tables have stationary seat in.

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固定式燃料电池是最大、功率最强的燃料电池。Stationary fuel cells are the largest, most powerful fuel cells.

并对HILIC固定相的发展进行了展望。The further development of HILIC stationary phases is looked ahead.

开展小组活动,让学生拿着自己的学习用品作介绍,把词与句整合起来,进行说话训练。The students show their own stationary in the group and introduce it.

在固定不动的星状线内,有一个最大的三角线在其间滚动。Show how a deltoid of maximal size slides inside a stationary astroid.

动感自行车是在固定的自行车上进行的有氧运动。Spinning is an aerobic exercise that takes place on a stationary bike.

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动画所指地是由许多帧静止地画面连续播放时地进程。Animation frames are referred to by many a stationary frame of process.

经8周加量期和12周稳定期观察后进行评价。Observe after 8 weeks inhance dose phase and 12 weeks stationary phase.

在自然界中,蜜蜂在居所的屋檐下造蜂巢,一切都是固定不动的。that hang from the roof of their dwelling and everything is stationary.