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一座碉楼座落在山顶上。On top of the hill stands a watchtower.

箭窗楼也分为三孔楼、四孔楼、五孔楼等。A watchtower may have three to five embrasures.

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我对一座整洁的农舍比对一座岗楼更感兴趣。I have more pleasure in a snug farmhouse than a watchtower.

展览将于五月十五日星期六下午三点到五点在东便门角楼开幕至六月六日。The exhibition opens on May 15 at the Dongbianmen Watchtower and will run till June 6.

目前,一个新的高新区的前面岗楼现在一般公众。At present, a new high-tech zones in front of the watchtower is now the general public.

三个瞭望台法国人说,埃菲尔铁塔是“首都的瞭望台”,事实的确如此。French said three observatory, the Eiffel Tower is the "capital of the watchtower", this is true.

城寨是简易前沿防御基地,略强于哨塔和栅栏。Motte and Bailey is a simple, defensible outpost, little more than a watchtower and protective fence.

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在我们之间谁会从这个陌生的瞭望台上警告我们那新的刽子手的来到?Who among us keeps watch from this strange watchtower to warn of the arrival of our new executioners?

炸药装好了,人也上了瞭望塔上,泥土战场上清除了垃圾。YAN’AN, China — The explosives had been set, the watchtower manned and the dirt battlefield cleared of rubble.

原来建守望台是为保护葡萄园防止盗贼,没料到盗贼却在园子里。They had built a watchtower to protect the vineyard from thieves, but the thieves turned out to be on the inside.

首先,我们需要利用竹和绳去扎台、瞭望台和马骝桥。First, we needed to make a table, watchtower and monkey bridge. Of course, all of products made of bamboo and rope.

切尔诺贝利当前的消防保障系统包括利用无线电来呈三角形监视森林火灾的瞭望塔。Chernobyl's current firefighting protection system includes watchtower lookouts triangulating wildfires sites by radio.

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此桥在明代曾大修过五次,并在桥墩上建起24座形式不同的“望楼”。This Bridge had overhauled five times in the Ming Dynasty, and on its piers, 24 different forms of "watchtower" were set up.

离这座暸望台一箭之遥,是安东所设计的“悬臂屋”,将室外的粗犷和室内的幽雅融合为一。A stone's throw away from this watchtower lies Antonio Ochoa's cantilever house, which blends the rugged outdoors and the elegant indoors.

他刨挖园子,捡去石头,栽种上等的葡萄树,在园中盖了一座楼,又凿出压酒池。He dug it up and cleared it of stones and planted it with the choicest vines. He built a watchtower in it and cut out a winepress as well.

它曾经是一座瞭望台,用来抵御当时侵扰沿海城镇的海盗,后来被并入广州城墙。Later incorporated into Guangzhou's city wall, it was used as a watchtower to keep out the pirates who once pillaged China's coastal cities.

犹大人到了俯瞰旷野的高岗上,观望大军,见伏尸遍野,没有一个逃脱的。When Judah came to the watchtower of the desert and looked toward the throng, they saw only corpses fallen on the ground, with no survivors.

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有个家主,栽了一个葡萄园,周围圈上篱笆,里面挖了一个压酒池,盖了一座楼,租给园户,就往外国去了。He put a wall around it, dug a winepress in it and built a watchtower. Then he rented the vineyard to some farmers and went away on a journey.

附近的宫殿瞭望塔是游客拍照的好去处,我在铺桌布的时候,他们可以看见我。The nearby palace watchtower is a popular place for tourists to take photos of the skyline, and as I set out a food cloth, I am watched by them.

不要忘记影子小队可能仍然活着,因此要把电厂放在一起并且确保有斗犬,APC或者瞭望塔保护他们。Don't forget that the Shadow Teams may still alive, so place your Power Plants together and make sure a Pitbull and APC or Watchtower guard them.