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一个婴儿是左撇子还是右撇子有时可以从他还在子宫里时就看出来。A baby's handedness can sometimes even be observed in utero.

科学家很久以来一直不明白我们使用那只手的习惯从何而来。Scientists have long wondered where our handedness comes from.

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合成手性膦化合物的研究工作仍在进行中。The synthesis of handedness phosphines is gone on continually.

什么机制控制着手性使得左旋型变得稀缺?What mechanisms, control handedness and keep left-handedness rare?

优势眼与惯用手这两个性状间存在一定的联系。There were cor- relations between the eye preference and handedness.

然后他们开始谈论左撇子和右撇子。Then they began to talk about left- handedness and right- handedness.

但至少你的用手习惯不再会背上耻辱柱了。But at least your handedness no longer carries a humiliating social stigma.

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惯用手和语言侧化的关系,见第四章。For the relationship between handedness and speech lateralization , see Chapter four.

研究人员考察的一个重要因素是参与者的用手习惯。An important factor that the researchers took note of was the participants' handedness.

抗议者说,警署大谈风险无非是为自己的卑劣手段寻找借口。Protesters say the police are talking up the risks to provide an excuse for heavy- handedness.

现在显示的是一个单独的数字,不再是为不同的单双手武器和速度显示一个数字范围。It displays a single number rather than a range of numbers for different handedness and speeds.

但是加尧姆先生的高压统治似乎也同样应该为反恐怖努力的失败而收到谴责。But Mr Gayoom's high- handedness seems as much to blame for the failings of the counter-terrorism effort.

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用手偏好反映了我们大脑左右两边的组织,哪一边与我们精通语言密切相关。Handedness reflects our brain’s bilateral organization, which goes hand-in-hand with our proficiency with language.

这个甘氨酸分子就可以形成两种镜像对称的结构,具有了手性,或者说化学中所称的“旋光性”。The molecule can then form two mirrored versions, giving it handedness or " chirality" as it is called in chemistry.

一些研究者辩论说,有证据表明一些“病理学上的”左撇子与出生时候的脑创伤有关。Some researchers argue there is evidence for cases of "pathological" left- handedness related to brain trauma during birth.

该文采用双任务法,通过二维尾随追踪和速度判断两种任务,分别对被试左右手效绩以及利手与非利手的效绩进行分析。Dual-task method has been used in this study to examine effects of handedness on tracking performance and key press actions.

可是其他任何非人类物种是否也在物种层面默示出和人类不异的“利手”现象,对此研究者们还没有一致的观点。But there is no consensus among researchers that any non-human species shows the same species-level handedness found in humans.

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手性指的是分子之间的“握手方式”,而这些分子通常包含按镜像方式排列的原子成分。Chirality refers to the "handedness" of molecules, which often contain the same constituent atoms arranged in mirror-image forms.

多年来,偏手性被看做是大脑不对称性的外在表现,是我们认识大脑对左右半脑进行平衡的线索。For many years, handedness has been seen as a possible proxy, an external clue to the balance in the brain between left and right.

在这个历史洪流中,中美两国政治家和两国人民如何“同舟共济,如左右手”。我相信我们现在的世界是紧密相连的。In this the flow of history, sino-american politicians and two peoples, such as how to "extend handedness". I believe we are now the world is intimately.