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“是简·爱吗?”她说。Is this Jane Eyre? she said.

大家对简爱有何感想?。What did you think of Jane Eyre?

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有个叫简·爱的小姑娘吗?Is there a little girl called Jane Eyre here?

简•爱卖爆米花都卖了一百多年了。Well, Jane Eyre has been selling popcorns for over a hundred years, L. B.

被简爱敢爱敢恨的精神和高尚的人格给吸引住了。Jane Eyre by dare love dare hate noble spirit and character to the attention.

这本书很棒、很美,讲一个叫简·爱的小女孩的故事。It was a wonderful, beautiful book-the story of a little girl called Jane Eyre.

简爱是一位通俗与高雅兼容的女性形象。Jane Eyre is a compatible female image belonging to popular and elegant literature.

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两个较小的岛屿被雅利安统治着,分别是安塔利亚和艾尔。The two smaller islands were under the rule of Aryan, and were known as Atalya and Eyre.

你也许没有意识到我跟你同姓?我施洗礼时被命名为圣·约翰·爱·里弗斯?You are not, perhaps, aware that I am your namesake? -- that I was christened St. John Eyre Rivers?

邓巴的新乐队是蓝鲸,并有唯一之前的鼓手推荐的。Dunbar's new band was Blue Whale and had a sole holdover from the drummer's previous combo, Tommy Eyre.

图为澳洲黄金内陆孤寂延展的艾尔公路。这里的气候依然很干热。On a lonely stretch of Eyre Highway in Australia's Golden Outback, the air is still, dry, and very hot.

艾尔盆地是世界上最大的内地排水系统之一,位处澳大利亚的中心。The Lake Eyre basin, one of the world's largest internally draining systems, in the heart of Australia.

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由于该小说形式和内容上的独创性,简爱被评论家认为是女权主义的先驱。For the originality of the novel in form and content, Jane Eyre is regarded by many as the precursor of feminism.

雅利安岛是人口最多的,并对奥戈岛、安塔利亚岛和艾尔岛施加影响和政治控制。The island of Aryan was the most populated, and exerted influence and political control over Og, Atalya and Eyre.

大银幕上将再掀简爱热潮,这次,这一标志性的英国角色由艾伦·佩吉饰演。Jane Eyre could be taking another swoon on the big screen -- with Ellen Page playing the iconic British character.

简·爱有着超凡的个性,旺盛的生命力,始终为个性解放而据理力争着,反抗和追求成了她生活的全部。Jane Eyre has outstanding personality and great vitality in the constant strife for the liberation of individuality.

安妮的艾格妮斯·格雷,艾米丽的呼啸山庄,和夏洛特的简爱极大改变了19世纪的文学创作。And 19th century literature was transformed by Anne's Agnes Grey, Emily's Wuthering Heights, and Charlotte's Jane Eyre.

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影片中年幼的简爱经历了凄惨的童年,她在成为孤儿后却被他的叔叔和表兄弟们欺负。The film sees young Jane Eyre experience a bleak childhood after being orphaned and then bullied by her aunt and cousins.

而书中的主人公简·爱是我学习的榜样,她的聪明、善良、坚强、有主见,是最令人敬佩的。And the protagonist of the book Jane eyre is my study example, she's smart, kind, strong, independent, is the most admirable.

第二章再现维多利亚女性理想意象,以便与夏绿蒂对简爱的描绘做一比较。In Chapter Two, I represent the ideal image of womanhood in the early Victorian Age so as to offer a vivid comparison to Jane Eyre.