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难以形容的痛。The pain was indescribable.

那将是一种难以形容的感觉。It will be an indescribable feeling.

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它具有一种难以形容的神韵。It has an indescribable romantic charm.

在喜气洋洋的老年有着一种无以名之的曙光。There is an indescribable aurora in beaming old age.

那是一种无可名状的纷繁交叉的心情。It is a kind of indescribable feeling of numerous cross.

良心认为合法的景慕,有着无法形容的痛苦。Conscience is considered legal James, an indescribable pain.

事实上“说不尽的恩赐”指的也许是所有这些事。In fact the "indescribable gift" may allude to all these kinds ofthings.

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莫名其妙的心烦。厌世。想自杀,怎么办?。Indescribable be perturbed. World-weary. Want to commit suicide, how to do?

在二语习得中,语感这一概念可谓“可意会不可言传”。The concept of language sense is ' understandable yet indescribable in SLA.

踏在那细软的沙子上,有一种说不出来的舒适。It gives me an indescribable pleasant sensation to step the spongy fine sand.

但是我的内心,却有一种莫名的失落感。But deep down in my heart, I was conscious of an indescribable sense of lostness.

他额上反映出灵光,那是我们看不见的。He bore upon his brow the indescribable reflection of a light which was invisible.

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心头怅仍到不可言说,只是无意识地把身子乱转。An indescribable sorrow filled his heart and he automatically turned his head round.

这一天,在中午去梦想午夜的情景是一种无法形容的激动情绪。The emotion on that day, of being at mid-day and of dreaming of midnight is indescribable.

生命本该在激流湍石中走过,才构筑出许多不可名状的美好。Life in the turbulent rapids traversed in stone, many indescribable to build the beautiful.

他整个的人所表现的是一种驯服、坚定、无可言喻的勇于受戮的神情。His whole person breathed lowliness and firmness and an indescribable courageous despondency.

智能道路网,布鲁的风味独特的组合提供了品牌和现象难以形容的味道。IRN-BRU's unique combination of flavours delivers the brands indescribable and PHENOMENAL taste.

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雁荡山奇峰怪石,飞瀑流泉,充满天然韵味,为笔墨难以形容。Yandangshan Qifeng rocks, waterfalls Nagareizumi, full of natural flavor, for ink indescribable.

那段熟悉的回忆,就随着这股无可名状的气味,飘回到现在。Familiar with the memories of that period, it shares with the indescribable smell, drift back now.

岛上还有许多奇怪的原始植物,仿佛有不可名状的生命力。There still are a lot of strange original plants on the island, as if have indescribable vitality.