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这是汉白玉做的。It's made of white marble.

这桌子是大理石做的。The table is made of marble.

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看见一块巨大的大理石。I saw this huge piece of marble.

可用作人造大理石的填充料。J. As stuffing of man-made marble.

就是一块大理石,看见了也会被融化的!Twould have melted a marble stone!

他在年夜理石上留下一个腻滑的切面。He made a smooth cut on the marble.

塑像是用大理石雕的。The statue is carved out of marble.

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喷泉是用大理石雕成的。The fountain was a marble sculpture.

我梦见居住在大理石宫殿I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls

大理石很难雕刻。It is difficult to engrave in marble.

阿尼西母就像那块有裂纹的大理石。Onesimus was like that flawed marble.

大理岩的原岩为灰岩。The protolith of marble is limestone.

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大理石的半身象,简直就象是坟山。Marble busts all looked like a cemetery.

这是一个建有巨大的大理石柱廊的宫殿。It's a palace with a huge marble portico.

他在大理石上刻碑文。He chiselled an inscription on the marble.

他发呆地望了一望大理石铺成的楼梯。He looked vaguely up the marble staircase.

打弹子和踢足球都是我的最爱。Playing marble and soccer are my favorite.

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泰姬陵是用洁白的大理石砌成的。The Taj Mahal is made of fine white marble.

这座纪念碑是由大理石和花岗石制成的。The monument is made of marble and granite.

他们正从山坡上采大理石。They are quarrying the hillside for marble.