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三股拧成的绳子不易断。A threefold cord is not quickly broken.

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种群的数量增加了三倍。The population increased in number threefold.

斯诺说,在2008年早期,价格飙升至原来三倍。Schnoor said prices soared threefold in early 2008.

对中国来说,这样的军事基地有三点好处。For China, the benefits of such bases are threefold.

这三重的职事在教会中不断的运行。This threefold office continues its activity in the Church.

五重,三重和两重螺旋对称轴。And fivefold, threefold and twofold axes of rotational symmetry.

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展开的双翼,正如书上所写是是代表三重的道路。The open wings, as in Shahzadi's book, represent the Threefold Path.

如果要问虚拟语气可以表示什么,可以从三方面来回答。If it be asked what the subjunctive expresses, the answer is threefold.

遵守三倍定律,不管你做的是好事还是坏事,都会三倍回报加诸于身。Mind the threefold law ye should, three times bad and three times good.

酒店的平均入住率上升三倍,本月已达百分之六十以上。The average hotel occupancy rate increased threefold to over 60 per cent this month.

鼓膜破裂的患者发生冲击性颅脑损伤的可能性增加至三倍。Those with ruptured eardrums had a nearly threefold greater risk of concussive brain injury.

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所有指令不管怎样都会对整个寄存器进行操作。All of the instructions operate on the whole register anyway. The problem before was threefold

与此同时,65岁以上的人的数目到2050年将上升到30亿,增长了三倍。Meanwhile, the number of people over 65 will be rising to 300 million by 2050, a threefold increase.

在美国,堕胎合法化后异位妊娠的发病率升高了3倍。There has been a threefold increase in ectopic pregnancies in the U.S. since abortion was legalized.

在追求目标方面,这里有个好主意,我最近听到的三步法。Here's a good idea. I was recently told of a threefold strategy when it comes to the pursuit of goals.

使用思瑞康与研究人群中校正风险增加接近3倍有关。Seroquel use was associated with a nearly threefold adjusted increase in risk among the study population.

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公平的重量与合理的平衡,以及正义的价值,都由你来给予定义,你也将因此接受三倍的反馈。Just weights and just balances shall be given by you, and just value shall you give, and thereby receive threefold.

范泰尔的三重视角架构,出现在他讨论普遍启示的一系列篇章里。Van Til's threefold perspectival scheme appears in a series of chapters devoted to the topic of general revelation.

北京名人故居是北京居住文化的重要组成部分,它具有属地、属人和属物三重属性。The former residences of celebrities are important parts in Beijing inhabitation culture, which boast threefold property.