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朋友们,我们到底是要“扬长”呢?My friends, we really is to "swagger"?

有一个少年迈着大步大胆地走近了詹金斯。A youngster approached Jerkins with a bold swagger.

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我们往往予以认同崇尚暴力和狂妄自大的人。Too often, we honor swagger and bluster and the wielders of force.

底特律只是想让战绩不像39胜43负这样的垃圾战绩。Detroit is merely trying to regain its swagger after a 39-43 season.

但盖茨也许还是应该收敛一下锐气。But Gates probably should have still checked his swagger at the door.

他可以为已经非常和谐的火箭班底加入一些狂妄不羁的姿态。He can add some swagger and attitude to an awfully nice Rocket squad.

如果没有力量来支持你的话,又有什么好处良好行事招摇?Without the power to back up your words, what good is a well-acted swagger?

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虽然全身是伤,这把吉他却神气活现地说著话。Despite its obvious maladies , the guitar spoke with conviction and swagger.

约翰华费陶增加了一些额外的城市招摇,这个合资企业的明星球员半山鞋。John Varvatos adds some extra urban swagger to this JV Star Player Mid sneaker.

然后摇了摇头拿着诊金大摇大摆的离开了。Then have already shaken to move pate to take to analyze leaving of gold swagger.

哪一个登上成功顶峰的人心中没有傲视群雄的霸气?Which one not reaching the top of a successful person heart undoubtedly the swagger?

啊哈,就像这个国家的经济一样,评论员们错把吹牛皮的人当成了货真价实的天才。Alas, as with the economy, the commentators had mistaken swagger for authentic talent.

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我的朋友们,每一个充满招摇撞骗虚张声势,投注彼此可以解除大部分。My friends, each full of swagger and bravado, bet one another they could lift the most.

街坊称,不久前看到一名男子大模大样地扛着一扇门走了,哪里知道是小偷。Neighbourhood said recently saw a man carrying a swagger to go door, where know thieves.

在布萨阿索南边的加鲁威镇,人们总是说起海盗们如何招摇地一掷万金。People in Garoowe, a town south of Boosaaso, describe a certain high-rolling pirate swagger.

湖人现在阔步前进,他们说他们不会在今年的肉搏中处于下风。The Lakers have a swagger about them that says they will not go down without a fight this year.

骆驼们真跪下了,他自己也大大方方的坐在一株小柳树下。The camels actually knelt down, and he seated himself with a swagger under a small willow tree.

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爱立信在南达科他州的农场长大,在那里,这个狂妄的牛仔经营着“古老西部”牧场。Ericsson had grown up on a ranch in South Dakota, where he’d developed an Old West, cowboy swagger.

在中国,政府关系和家族联系胜过西方国家几十年的银行经验和名望。Here, government connections and family ties can trump decades of banking experience and western swagger.

而现在城里甚至有刻意身着比基尼胸衣的女性和不穿上衣招摇过市的男性。Now some women even go out of their way to wear bikini and men with bare arms swagger through the streets.