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我们船有固定螺距螺旋桨。We have fixed pitch propeller.

螺旋桨是固定螺距。We have a fixed pitch propeller.

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渔具缠住我船的螺旋桨。Fishing gear fouled my propeller.

螺旋桨的螺距需要矫正。Check of propeller pitch is needed.

查引擎和螺旋?螺?。Check the engine and propeller bolts.

推进器的叶片已经安装好了。The propeller blade has been mounted.

我们船有可变螺距螺旋桨。We have controllable pitch propeller.

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螺旋桨是可变螺距。We have an adjustable pitch propeller.

螺旋桨是可变螺距的。We have a controllable-pitch propeller.

那螺旋桨上喷的是什么漆?What'sthe paint spray on the propeller?

螺旋桨涂装时要注意些什么?What'sthe paint spray on the propeller?

螺旋桨上喷涂的是有机硅防污涂料。Propeller paint is really gild the lily?

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而它的尾巴摆动起来就像一台大功率的推进器。The tail acts like a high-power propeller.

你船是可变螺距推进器吗?Do you have a controllable pitch propeller?

你船是右旋推进器或是左旋推进器?Do you have a right- or left-hand propeller?

螺旋桨带动一个小型直流发电机。The propeller turns a small d. c. generator.

艉部抬起,螺旋桨离水飞转。The propeller raced wildly as the stern rose.

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我们要拆螺旋桨将军帽。We are going to dismantle the propeller cone.

螺旋桨喷漆真的是画蛇添足吗?Whatkind of painting should the propeller use?

螺旋浆式流量计的压力损失小。Propeller meters introduce small pressure losses.