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腌货被认为具有很强的酸性。Souse is believed to be highly acidic.

那以后我就从来没见他喝醉过。I have never seen him souse from then on.

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他们不曾想过他们激起的水花溅湿了谁。They do not think whom they souse with spray.

蘑菇,绿豆,番茄酱,洋葱和大葱。Mushroom, Mung bean, tomato souse with onions and herbs.

请读一下上面提到的链接,说得很好也很详细。Please read souse above mentioned, that's a good and complete one.

鱼肉腌制得越久味越醇香。The fish flesh souse more long taste is more fragrant and mellower.

当天气够暖和时,孩子们就投入到游泳池中。When it is. warm enough, the children souse into the swimming pool.

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立即放在凉水里浸泡可能会去掉衬衫上的黑点。An immediate cold water souse may remove the black spot from your shirt.

在网络规模不断扩大的情况下,由于频率资源的限制,频率复用度必然增加。When net scale is expanding , because the limited of frequency souse , frequency reusing radio will increase.

板鸭是经过老卤腌制过以后做熟的,吃起来口感都是比较紧密咸香。The pressed salted duck will be passes through old halogen souse later to do ripe, will eat the feeling in the mouth is quite close salty fragrant.

简述了近些年来超子稀有衰变的理论和实验研究进展及其待解决的问题。A brief review is given on recent studies of hyperon rare decay both in theory and experiment. Souse problems which exist in the field are presented.

电铁机车沿铁路移动用电,其产生的谐波对电网的危害比其它谐波源更为广泛、严重,因此对电铁牵引供电系统谐波的正确检测具有重要的实际意义。The harm of harmonic generated by locomotive of electrified railway, which uses electricity along the railway, is more widely and seriously than other harmonic souse to the power system.