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泰勒救了她的命。Tyler saved her life.

之后泰勒倒出碱液。And Tyler pours the lye.

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就连泰勒也不知道。Not even Tyler knows this.

有时候泰勒替我说话。Sometimes, Tyler speaks for me.

肥皂,泰勒,我说,我们需要肥皂.Soap, Tyler. I say, we need soap.

泰勒怎么可能不喜欢这些呢。How could Tyler not fall for that.

泰勒是百晓生,知道所有有用的东西。Tyler is full of useful information.

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泰勒需要我打印并复印些东西。Tyler wanted me to type up and copy.

很难想象泰勒在童子军的样子.It's hard to imagine Tyler in Boy Scouts.

你曾去功泰勒医务所看功医熟吗?Have you been here to see Dr Tyler before?

你曾经来过泰勒医务所看过医生吗?。Have you been here to see Dr. Tyler before?

马拉和泰勒冲到街上,钻进一辆出租车里。Marla and Tyler rushed out into the street.

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泰勒在又一次与国王的会见中被杀死。Tyler was killed at a meeting with the king.

几个星期以来我都不太在意泰勒在做些什么。For weeks, I ignored what Tyler had been up to.

乔佛特正在为他的儿子泰勒支付剪发费用。Goepfert was paying for his son Tyler 's haircut.

我将一睡不醒,泰勒将掌管一切。I would never wake up, and Tyler would take over.

星期六晚上泰勒和我一起去搏击会。Saturday night, Tyler goes to fight club with me.

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“你必须自己做出决定,”泰勒说。"You must decide that for yourself, " Tyler said.

卡巴顿乘坐了下趟火车,是往北开到泰勒的。Cal boarded the next train north to Tyler Junction.

就在那个早上,泰勒创立了“大混乱行动”。It was that morning, Tyler invented Project Mayhem.