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网站上还有一个耐人寻味的论坛。It also has a meaty discussion forum.

但是这汤看起来其实也挺“荤”的。But the soup might turn out to be pretty meaty.

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相反,还有的在那里只是一个矮矮胖胖的,肉的声音很多。Rather, there is just a lot of chunky, meaty sound in there.

他们肆无忌惮地瞄着我,好像我是一只光鸡。They looked at me uncompromisingly as if I was a nice meaty dish.

现在我们来看实质性内容,并编写一个样本共享对象。Now let's get to the meaty stuff and write a sample shared object.

你采集巨大的,黑色的种子并且烹调黄色的肉部分。You pluck out the giant, black seeds and cook the yellow meaty parts.

帮工说,“曹大哥,这只狗的肉可真多啊?His helper was just saying to him, "Brother Cao, this one is really meaty?"

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你会发现开始时基本概念越多,后面的点子就越丰富。You’ll find the more basic ideas in the beginning with more meaty stuff following.

在最终完成版里,卢米娜拉重重打在一只虫子肚子上的一拳,让她意识到了这一点。In the finished episode, it's a meaty punch to a bug's midsection that clues her in.

依靠一些多肉的,迷人的,能散发香味的红色水果为元素,这款酒闻起来有点花香。A rather floral nose, with some meaty elements alongside some attractively perfumed red fruit.

不要担心,因为现在你可以成为一个素食主义者,并在同一时间享受您的肉食品。Don't fret because now you can become a vegetarian and at the same time enjoy your meaty meals.

这家店用的是又大又肥的中国蛤蜊,汤里还有鸡蛋和椰奶。Here, they use the huge, meaty Chinese clams, and the broth has eggs and coconut milk mixed in.

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所以大鱼大肉的欧美人民,每人一天份的粮食需要耗费5,000的水,而清粥小菜的非洲和亚洲人,一天粮食的用水只有2,000公升。The meaty diet of Americans and Europeans requires around 5,000 litres of water a day to produce.

张先生我建议你从现在起少吃酸性的荤食类。Mr Zhang, I would suggest that starting from now you reduce your intake of the acidic meaty dishes.

Kappos案的判决终于在周一作出。法院给了你们所有人厚厚的66页判决书来啃。Kappos was finally handed down on Monday, giving you all some 66 meaty pages to sink your teeth into.

上周有媒体报导称该系列显卡的显存位宽将为256bit,并称显卡的性能相当不错。Last week, one report hinted that the cards would have 256-bit memory interfaces and meaty performance.

入口丰韵,口感饱满,有肉感,但非常顺滑,成熟水果的气息,回味悠长、平衡。In mouth, the wine is rich, full, meaty and silky with oodles of ripe fruit and a long and balanced finish.

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想要在饮食里增加蔬菜,那么吃面的时候用炒蔬菜取代肉酱或者奶酪调料来佐伴吧。To add more vegetables to your diet, top your pasta with sauteed vegetables instead of meaty or cheesy sauces.

这类水解物提供了肉的风味使汤料很诱人。These hydrolysates yielded the meaty flavoring necessary to make these rapid-cooking soups, meaty and so enticing.

他很帅气,弱小,皮肤柔嫩,大大的脸蛋,肥嘟嘟的大腿,在这些瘦小的人群中,他是唯一的胖小子。He was beautiful, tiny and soft, with huge cheeks and meaty thighs, the only plump kid in a country of thin people.