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最后天宫内玉漱香消玉殒小川逃出!The last days of intrauterine Yu-Shu Ogawa escaped certain death!

从而对宫环出血的研究有进一步的认识。There is a deeper cognition of intrauterine device bleeding in this study.

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胎儿畸型是胎死宫内的重要原因。Congenital malformation was the main reason to the intrauterine fetal death.

如有避孕环可以考虑把避孕环取出。If there is an intrauterine device to consider an intrauterine device remove.

结论产前应用HBIG可降低HBV宫内感染率。Conclusion HBIG before laboring can decrease the HBV intrauterine infection rate.

结论LPS致宫内感染可造成胎鼠脑损伤。Conclusions Fetal rat brain damage is made by LPS-induced intrauterine infection.

母亲传染性强是宫内感染的重要因素。Strong infectiousness of mother is an important factor in intrauterine infection.

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1963年,罗伊•利雷爵士成功地实施了子宫内输血。Sir William Liley performed the first successful intrauterine transfusion in 1963.

研究还显示放置宫内节育器可能为衣原体上行感染的易感因素之一。Intrauterine de-vice were found to be one of the risk factors in chlamydial infection.

目的HBV可经胎盘引起胎儿感染,此即HBV宫内传播。Aim HBV could infect fetus through placentae, which is intrauterine transmission of HBV.

放过避孕环,但我听说口服避孕药比其它方法更有效。An intrauterine device, but I'm told the pill is more effective than other contraceptives.

输卵管峡部吻合后宫内妊娠率最高。The reanastomosis of isthmus and isthmus resulted in the highest rate of intrauterine pregnancy.

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有长期避孕要求者,选择宫内节育器紧急避孕更为合适。It′s more appropriate for those who asked for long-term contraception to use Intrauterine devices.

入宫后的傅柔面对宫内的诡计阴谋,仍保持正直善良的本心。After into the palace of fu soft face schemes of intrauterine devices, remain honest good continue.

腹腔妊娠的诊断常须与宫内孕鉴别,对胎盘的处理意见尚不统一。The diagnosis of intra-abdominal pregnancy must not be confused with that of intrauterine pregnancy.

目的观察固环胶囊治疗宫内节育器致出血副反应的临床疗效。To observe the clinical effect of Guhuan on patients with metrorrhagia caused by intrauterine device.

同时还发现该药对因节育环副作用所致的子宫出血也有显著的疗效。Meanwhile, YFZX Pill is also effective in the treatment of metrorrhagia induced by intrauterine device.

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结论多层螺旋CT对诊断宫内节育环异位具有较高临床应用价值。Conclusion Spiral CT in the diagnosis of ectopic intrauterine contraceptive ring has high clinical value.

通过子宫内压导管输入生理盐水可以减少胎心变异减速。Instillation of normal saline through an intrauterine pressure catheter may reduce variable decelerations.

乙型肝炎的宫内感染同样涉及HBV受体问题,其机制虽不明确,胎肝细胞仍是HBV的主要靶细胞。Intrauterine infection of HBV need specific receptors too and fetal hepatocytes is the major target cells.